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    1 small pouch with belthooks, and a maybe British commercial DPM pouch?

    Senior Lieutenant
    Senior Lieutenant

    Name : Michel Wijnand
    Age : 36
    Location : The Netherlands
    Registration date : 2016-11-09
    Number of posts : 834

    1 small pouch with belthooks, and a maybe British commercial DPM pouch? Empty 1 small pouch with belthooks, and a maybe British commercial DPM pouch?

    Post by michelwijnand Sun Jul 07, 2019 10:32 am

    So I have these 2 pouches I don't know the origin or purpose of.

    First up is this one, a small canvas pouch with US type belthooks, found here in the Netherlands, might be Dutch, but never saw this before, and some guys
    on FB suspect it to be something French, but I don't recognize it as such either.
    4th pic is for scale in comparison to other items.

    1 small pouch with belthooks, and a maybe British commercial DPM pouch? Dsc06850
    1 small pouch with belthooks, and a maybe British commercial DPM pouch? Dsc06852
    1 small pouch with belthooks, and a maybe British commercial DPM pouch? Dsc06851
    1 small pouch with belthooks, and a maybe British commercial DPM pouch? Dsc06853

    And then this pouch on the right. No labels or markings, just a pouch with some PLCE style beltloops but no velcro additional loops with T-pins.
    For size comparison it's next to a PLCE GPMG pouch.

    1 small pouch with belthooks, and a maybe British commercial DPM pouch? Dsc06855
    1 small pouch with belthooks, and a maybe British commercial DPM pouch? Dsc06854


    Location : Nederland
    Registration date : 2017-10-22
    Number of posts : 49

    1 small pouch with belthooks, and a maybe British commercial DPM pouch? Empty Re: 1 small pouch with belthooks, and a maybe British commercial DPM pouch?

    Post by Glencoe Sun Jul 07, 2019 4:39 pm

    The first pouch looks like it could fit a grenade launcher.

    The second pouch looks somewhat commercial. It looks like it was meant to be worn on the left.

    Name : Andrew
    Location : Canada
    Registration date : 2014-01-18
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    1 small pouch with belthooks, and a maybe British commercial DPM pouch? Empty Re: 1 small pouch with belthooks, and a maybe British commercial DPM pouch?

    Post by Wolverine Mon Jul 08, 2019 11:16 am

    I think that the small canvas pouch is probably one of the Italian versions of the US M1942 first aid pouch.
    Senior Lieutenant
    Senior Lieutenant

    Name : Michel Wijnand
    Age : 36
    Location : The Netherlands
    Registration date : 2016-11-09
    Number of posts : 834

    1 small pouch with belthooks, and a maybe British commercial DPM pouch? Empty Re: 1 small pouch with belthooks, and a maybe British commercial DPM pouch?

    Post by michelwijnand Thu Dec 24, 2020 9:11 pm

    I think I found a photo of the same exact pouch as the first one in the thread, on an Israelian early Ephod trial vest made in 1976.
    Still, they reused a lot of foreign gear, mostly French, British and US, so it could still be foreign.

    1 small pouch with belthooks, and a maybe British commercial DPM pouch? Vest_110

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    1 small pouch with belthooks, and a maybe British commercial DPM pouch? Empty Re: 1 small pouch with belthooks, and a maybe British commercial DPM pouch?

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