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    Custom Made US Ribbon Bars from WW2 into the 60's.


    Name : Fins...
    Age : 55
    Location : Ohio
    Registration date : 2009-03-24
    Number of posts : 2561

    Custom Made US Ribbon Bars from WW2 into the 60's. Empty Custom Made US Ribbon Bars from WW2 into the 60's.

    Post by 1stDivVet Mon Jan 20, 2020 2:06 am

    Several custom made ribbon bars from WW2 into the 60's. Most are WW2 era. Most branches represented.

    From top to bottom,

    At left -

    NS Meyer made ribbon bar to an Air Force Reserve enlisted man showing at least 16 years of service. Campaign ribbons for stateside WW2 and Korea. AF Blue background.

    Embroidered US Army ribbon bar
    Bullion Combat Infantry Badge. Service in the Pacific in WW2, and Korean War. Khaki tropical weight wool background.

    Embroidered US Army Reservist ribbon bar showing service from before WW2 past Korean War. Background is Army Green. I removed this from a badly mothed jacket. No unit patches, but soldier was a MSgt with at least 16 years service, 3 1/2 of which were overseas

    Middle -

    Sewn ribbon bar to a US Army enlisted man. Shows Good Conduct with 3 knots and service in Korea. on Army Green background

    Embroidered USAF enlisted man's ribbon bar. Pre-64 with Army Good Conduct with 5 knots, National Defense with star, and Air Force Longevity with 3 OLC's showing at least 12 years service. AF Blue background.

    Army Reserve Officer's ribbon bar. No Good Conduct, Pre-WW2 service and Armed Forces Reserves Medal with 2 hour glasses showing 30 years service.

    USN Reserve Officer's Ribbon Bar. I have his American Defense Medal ribbon somewhere. He served from mid-1938 until 1963 in the reserves as a clerk. His only distinction being one of the few to receive 2 Navy Reserve Medals. The medal was only in use EXACTLY 20 years and was issued for Naval Reserve service for 10 years, 0 months, 0 days. The medal was issued between September 1938 to September 1958 making most recipients earning only 1 from WW2 or after.

    Embroidered Philippine Liberation and Philippine Independence Ribbons Probably Army.

    Right Side -

    USN CPO's ribbon bar.
    Show's service in all 3 theaters and campaigns in 2, Occupation and Philippine Liberation with star. CPO was with a PATRON unit. USN Blue/black background

    USN enlisted ribbon bar. Pre-WW2 sailor with Good Conduct and Pacific service. On khaki tropical wool background. Probably a CPO.

    US Army enlisted man's embroidered ribbon bar showing pre-WW2 service and 5 campaigns in Europe. OD wool background.

    US Army Enlisted man's ribbon bar. Made in Germany during the Occupation. From a 1st Div vet. Late war replacement on occupation duty only. OD wool background.

    US Army embroidered ribbon bar. Europe and Pacific campaigns. 8 campaigns in Europe(1 silver, 3 bronze stars). This is wrapped around a tin bar with metal tabs for attachment to uniform.

    US Army enlisted man's embroidered ribbon bar. European Campaign has 2 bullion embroidered stars. Brown wool background.

    US Army sewn ribbon bar to a pre-WW2 enlisted man serving in Europe.

    US Army sewn ribbon bar to an enlisted man serving in Europe with 3 campaigns and earning a Purple Heart.

    Custom Made US Ribbon Bars from WW2 into the 60's. 20200124

    If i'm the stupid one, why do they have a book with pictures of the militaria and I have the real things??

    Location : St Paul, MN
    Registration date : 2011-01-14
    Number of posts : 6

    Custom Made US Ribbon Bars from WW2 into the 60's. Empty Re: Custom Made US Ribbon Bars from WW2 into the 60's.

    Post by Zeked Sat Feb 01, 2020 10:42 pm

    I like these too!  

    Custom Made US Ribbon Bars from WW2 into the 60's. Rib_ba10

      Current date/time is Tue Sep 17, 2024 2:29 am