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    British Export Desert P68 Oman

    Senior Lieutenant
    Senior Lieutenant

    Location : England
    Registration date : 2009-04-16
    Number of posts : 814

    British Export Desert P68 Oman  Empty British Export Desert P68 Oman

    Post by bravo_2_zero Sat Apr 10, 2021 5:24 pm

    Export DPM Desert jacket , I think it's for Oman however this is British made with real British shape cloth , NZ bottle green zipper and tropical shirt buttons. The later Oman P68's are fully lined where this as you can see isn't.

    British Export Desert P68 Oman  Img_2210
    British Export Desert P68 Oman  Img_1510
    British Export Desert P68 Oman  Img_1410

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