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    Some Coast Guard tops

    Senior Sergeant
    Senior Sergeant

    Name : Nate
    Location : USA
    Registration date : 2013-10-16
    Number of posts : 393

    Some Coast Guard tops Empty Some Coast Guard tops

    Post by TennoHeikaNate Wed Oct 05, 2022 12:07 am

    Just a few pieces I managed to find, first is an ODU coat, dated 1999, named to a Capt. Kaser, with what seem to be a "Marine Safety" badge sewn over the CG tape, and another badge removed from above the name tape but found in the pocket which looks to be "Command Ashore".
    I'm not sure if there are PX or private purchase ODUs as this top does have standard contract tags, but does not have the CG emblem embroidered onto the pocket.

    Some Coast Guard tops Uscg_o10
    Some Coast Guard tops Uscg_c10

    Second is this "float coat". Not sure of the age from what I can tell from the tag. It does have some writing on the tag, looks like it might be "Coast Guard Reserve Unit" and a base or ship's name? I'm unfortunately very scarcely familiarized with CG stuff.

    Some Coast Guard tops Uscg_t10
    Some Coast Guard tops Uscg_t11
    Some Coast Guard tops Uscg_t12
    Some Coast Guard tops Uscg_t13
    Some Coast Guard tops Uscg_t14

    Some Coast Guard tops Uscg_s10

    And lastly, the oldest of the bunch, a standard 1980 dated Issachar Manufacturing Co. Inc. M65 named to "Koch".

    Some Coast Guard tops Uscg_m10
    Some Coast Guard tops Uscg_m11

    As a bonus I saw this other CG M65 listed but lost the bid for it, the back was stenciled for Station Chatham with some numbers below it.
    Some Coast Guard tops Usgc_m10

      Current date/time is Sat Jan 25, 2025 10:42 am