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    Croatian Stuff

    Senior Sergeant
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    Name : Nate
    Location : USA
    Registration date : 2013-10-16
    Number of posts : 355

    Croatian Stuff Empty Croatian Stuff

    Post by TennoHeikaNate Tue Sep 05, 2023 2:30 am

    Just some odds and ends, I plan on picking up more wartime stuff in the future though.
    Modern stuff is more just as I find it and if the price is agreeable.
    First up, a pair of 2010 digital desert trousers.

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    A 2009 dated digital woodland coat, though this one is amusingly so faded I initially thought it was an urban variant when I first got it.
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    An awesome early war indigenous woodland M65 of the type that faded very badly to almost a grayscale woodland pattern.
    It features the short lived Croatian National Guard patch and an unknown HV Croatian Army unit patch I've been unable to ID.

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    Another indigenous woodland M65, in the more typical later yellow base color variant with an HV patch.
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    And last for now, a Croatian woodland version of the JNA M75 Borbeni ranac (combat backpack).
    The Croatians made woodland variants of all sorts of previous JNA equipment including these M75 packs, the carriers for the canteen/mess kit assembly, and ammunition pouches like the M59/66 SKS ones.

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    All for now, enjoy!

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    Senior Sergeant
    Senior Sergeant

    Name : Nate
    Location : USA
    Registration date : 2013-10-16
    Number of posts : 355

    Croatian Stuff Empty Re: Croatian Stuff

    Post by TennoHeikaNate Mon Oct 30, 2023 11:21 pm

    Found another field jacket, seems like another 90's era one. No insignia seems to have ever been sewn onto this one.
    It's also in much better condition so perhaps it's a postwar one.

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    Croatian Stuff Croati46
    Senior Sergeant
    Senior Sergeant

    Name : Nate
    Location : USA
    Registration date : 2013-10-16
    Number of posts : 355

    Croatian Stuff Empty Re: Croatian Stuff

    Post by TennoHeikaNate Tue Aug 06, 2024 6:22 am

    Couple more finds from the past few months, first is a Croatian woodland copy of the original JNA shoulder bag, which I've heard variously to have been originally issued to JNA mountain troops or perhaps general issue, I'm not sure.
    They seem to come in both velcro and snap closure lids, with this snap version having two closing positions. Other than that, a rather simple thing.

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    Secondly, a Croatian woodland fabric copy of the original JNA leather double cartridge pouch primarily for the Zastava M59/66 PAP SKS rifle.
    Straightforward copy, but loses a lot of rigidity and structure by being made of simple fabric rather than the thick leather of the original JNA design, though I understand their wanting to switch to camouflage as in photos the old JNA leather gear is quite noticeably a tannish, sometimes almost orange-ish color that pops quite loudly when worn against the darker woodland patterns that were commonly worn by Croatian troops.
    I intend on getting hopefully one more of these as well as any more of the odd Croatian woodland copies of older JNA equipment that I can find.

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    And courtesy of @die_klassenkampf_militaria on IG, I have identified the patch on my old War of Independence woodland M65 as belonging to Brigada 137 "Duga Resa".
    "The Duga Resa Brigade was created on October 26, 1991 by order of the MOD.
    They participated in the defense of Karlovac and their namesake Duga Resa, and on November 4 went on the attack under the order of the Karlovac Civic Association between the Korana River and Matkovo Brdo.
    Between 30 and 31 December, they occupied the villages of Donja and Gornja Zastinja in the municipality of Gornji Vakuf, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
    The strongest attack on Duga Resa was carried out by the enemy on October 4, 1991. JNA aircraft also took part in it.
    On 4 November 1991, a battalion of the Yugoslav People's Army (JNA) broke through from the Logorište barracks towards the Slunj Hills to the area controlled by the insurgents.
    It was attacked by the 110th and 137th brigades of the Croatian Army, and the fight lasted about three days.
    The Duga Resa and Karlovac areas were defended by the 110th, 137th and 129th Brigades.
    The 150th Brigade, which also covered Tounj, defended in Generalski Stol. The front line from Kamenica to Mala Kapela was held by the 143rd Brigade.

    The brigade was formed on October 26, 1991 and operated until the reorganization of the Croatian Army in 1999 when it was shut down.
    5,718 people passed through the Brigade, of which 98 were women. In combat operations, 229 members were seriously or lightly wounded, three were 100% disabled, and 84 members were killed.
    In 1999, during the Croatian Army reorganization, the Brigade was reformed into the 137th Home Defense Regiment."

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    Croatian Stuff Empty Re: Croatian Stuff

    Post by CRjackson37 Sat Sep 14, 2024 10:24 pm

    When was the camouflaged equipment used?, I've seen some lately on ebay.
    Senior Sergeant
    Senior Sergeant

    Name : Nate
    Location : USA
    Registration date : 2013-10-16
    Number of posts : 355

    Croatian Stuff Empty Re: Croatian Stuff

    Post by TennoHeikaNate Sun Sep 15, 2024 4:21 am

    I don't have an exact date, but it seems that very quickly after, if not possibly even before, in direct anticipation for the Croatian Declaration of Independence they started churning out their own woodland uniforms and kit as the Croatians lost most all of their access to JNA equipment following their separation and had to turn to receiving and buying foreign supplied equipment as well as producing their own indigenous tailor and cottage industry made items.
    One of the reference photos above shows another Croatian woodland copy of the M75 combat pack in use during their war for independence but with leather closure straps as the original JNA version had, whereas my example with nylon straps and marked buckles is most likely a later or postwar example from the mid-late 90's or possibly even early 2000's, though by the mid 90's the Croatians had started receiving large amounts of US ALICE/LC-2 webbing and also made their own copies as well as copies of LBV's like the Eagle Industries TAC V1.
    That said, despite their efforts to distance their image and appearance from the Yugoslav's/JNA, they still had to use a lot of ex-JNA, East German, and Soviet equipment, particularly early in the war, and shortages of uniforms and gear meant you'll see a lot of photos of guys in combat with mixed uniforms, civilian clothes, and a lot carried their gear in their pockets or hung as much as they could from basic web belts.
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