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    35th Air Defense Artillery Brigade


    Name : Andrew
    Age : 29
    Location : Mocksville, NC
    Registration date : 2009-02-17
    Number of posts : 930

    35th Air Defense Artillery Brigade Empty 35th Air Defense Artillery Brigade

    Post by AndrewA74 Sat Nov 21, 2009 9:36 pm

    35th Air Defense Artillery Brigade 35ADABdeSSI35th Air Defense Artillery Brigade 35ADABdeDUI
    Patch and Distinctive Unit Insignia

    On order, 35th ADA deploys to a designated theater of operation and protects critical assets to ensure the CINC's freedom of action. When directed, re-deploy as needed to support offensive operations. Korea is the "on order" mission of 35th Brigade. The 35th ADA was tasked to deploy to South Korea to support execution of OPLAN 5027. But the movement of the Brigade to South Korea in late 2004 did not indicate that execution of this OPLAN was immimenent.

    The 35th Air Defense Artillery Brigade was activated on 1 June 1985 at Fort Lewis, Washington, as the first Corps Air Defense Artillery Brigade in the United States Army. In 1991, the 3rd Battalion (Chaparral), 2nd Air Defense Artillery Regiment participated in Operation Desert Storm. In 1992, the Brigade inactivated the 1st Battalion (Hawk), 52nd Air Defense Artillery Regiment and the 3rd Battalion, 2nd Air Defense Artillery Regiment in 1994. The 35th Air Defense Artillery Brigade (PATRIOT), is currently stationed at Fort Bliss, Texas.

    Constituted in June 1918 in the Coast Defense of the Potomac, HQ, 35th Coast Artillery was first organized on 1 June 1918 at Fort Hunt, Virginia. The 35th arrived in France in September 1918 and upon World War I Armistice demobilized at Fort Totten, New York in 1919.

    Reactivated in November 1942 at Camp Steward, Georgia, the 35th Coast Artillery Brigade sailed for North Africa in April 1943 to provide anti-aircraft defense for the Fifth U.S. Army. In September 1943, the 35th was part of the invasion force that landed at Salerno Beachhead making the 35th the first Allied anti-aircraft unit to land in Europe during World War II. In June 1944, the 35th Anti-Aircraft Brigade participated in the invasion of southern France where it achieved 406 confirmed and 286 probable hostile kills. The 35th returned to the U.S. in 1945, and inactivated at Camp Kilmer, New Jersey.

    Reactivated in November 1948 at Fort Bliss, Texas, the 35th move to Fort Meade, Maryland in 1950to provide anti-aircraft defense of Washington D.C. and to plan the defense of other cities in the vicinity. There, the 35th set Air Defense Artillery milestone as it became the first Nike-Ajax guided missile command in 1957.

    In March 1958, the Brigade redesignated the 35th Artillery Brigade (Air Defense), and operated the countries first Nike-Hercules site at Davidsonville, Maryland. The Brigade was inactivated on 4 June 1973 at Fort Meade, Maryland.

    About 300 soldiers from the 108th Air Defense Artillery Brigade and the 35th ADA Brigade were to depart for Southwest Asia in the forthcoming weeks according to a story by the Associated Press on January 3, 2003. Both units are Patriot units.

    The 35th Air Defense Artillery Brigade became fully operational on the Korean peninsula by the end of 2004. The Army deployed the brigade, which had been stationed at Fort Bliss, Texas, to South Korea. Its new headquarters at Osan Air Base, 48 miles south of Korea's Demilitarized Zone. The Army Patriot missile brigade deploying from the United States to South Korea began moving into its newly built headquarters in October 2004. The brigade marked completing its deployment to South Korea with a formal ceremony sometime in December 2004. By then, the brigade numbered about 1,200 soldiers and maintain eight firing batteries at four air bases: Osan, Suwon, Kunsan and Kwangju. A battery is composed of eight launchers of PAC-2 and PAC-3 missiles, each having 4 and 16 interceptors, respectively.


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