Moro LWP (Ludowe Wojsko Polskie)
Moro, Army: dark green "worms" on a grey-green background.
Moro Wojsk Lotniczych i Marynarki Wojennej
Moro, Air Forces and Marines: black "worms" on a grey-green background.
Moro MO (Milicja Obywatelska)
Moro, Police: dark blue "worms" on a grey-green background.
Moro SW (Sluzba Wiezienna)
Moro, Prison Service: black "worms" on a purple-blue background.
Moro Straz pozarna
Moro, Fire Service: Much larger black "worms" on a grey-green background.
Here is an image I made for comparison. All items are brand new and mint condition so colour variation is not due to fading.
Left to right: Prison Service, Police, Airforce/Marines, Army; and in the background you can see the Fire Service moro.
Airforce/Marines moro is the rarest, Army moro the most common. The two most likely to be confused are the Police and Airforce/Marines patterns.
Some Army items of clothing have been died black by soldiers, leaving the moro pattern still visible but very dark.
To my knowledge only the Prison Service and Fire Service moro is still in use today. The Fire Service moro these days is only used by Fire Service volunteer cadets.
Hope this helps. Post closeups of your moro patterns if you need any help.