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    Some of my first In-Country Made patches, Name Tapes, 1st Lt, ISAF, others


    Location : Illinois, USA
    Registration date : 2009-07-27
    Number of posts : 991

    Some of my first In-Country Made patches, Name Tapes, 1st Lt, ISAF, others Empty Some of my first In-Country Made patches, Name Tapes, 1st Lt, ISAF, others

    Post by misanthropic_gods Fri Apr 02, 2010 12:38 am

    These are some of my first in country made patches, I had one (The afghan Special Partnering Unit) before, so these are really interesting to me. I got the ISAF patch from one of my buddies for free.
    Some of my first In-Country Made patches, Name Tapes, 1st Lt, ISAF, others IMG_0973

    The Green Velcro and the weird font on the nametapes tipped me off
    Some of my first In-Country Made patches, Name Tapes, 1st Lt, ISAF, others IMG_0974

    The 1st Lieutenant has a dark brown rank instead of Black...im thinking the local shop ran out of the black thread
    Some of my first In-Country Made patches, Name Tapes, 1st Lt, ISAF, others IMG_0980

    The font seemed off on these, and then the green velcro clinched it
    Some of my first In-Country Made patches, Name Tapes, 1st Lt, ISAF, others IMG_0982

    I got this patch from a vet that had just returned from Afghanistan, he was part of the SPU and said that this was a short run of the patch because apparently the Afghani Brass didnt like the design.
    Some of my first In-Country Made patches, Name Tapes, 1st Lt, ISAF, others IMG_0983

    This was the only in-country modded boonie that I found in the store, I have always liked these Boonies embroidered with the arabic name
    Some of my first In-Country Made patches, Name Tapes, 1st Lt, ISAF, others IMG_0975

    Apparently it isnt even an issue boonie, but a Tru-Spec one.
    Some of my first In-Country Made patches, Name Tapes, 1st Lt, ISAF, others IMG_0976

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