Would anyone know where I can lay my hands on the old SADF Nutria combat uniforms at a reasonable price?
5 posters
SADF Nutria Combats
kiwipom- Corporal
- Location : New Zealand
Registration date : 2009-02-15
Number of posts : 13
- Post n°1
SADF Nutria Combats
bond007a1- ADMIN
- Name : Steven
Location : Kentucky, USA
Registration date : 2009-02-12
Number of posts : 2099
- Post n°2
Re: SADF Nutria Combats
Unfortunately, I have NO idea where to find such an item.....you might ask "slangvel77"...he collects that sort of thing & so does "mcoleman762" I would love to start collecting African stuff...but when I find it..it goes for so much money.
always looking for combat-used desert uniforms
nkomo- ADMIN
- Name : Arch
Location : Kentucky, USA
Registration date : 2009-02-13
Number of posts : 3328
- Post n°3
Re: SADF Nutria Combats
I would recommend James MacKenzie at southernafricamilitaria.com His prices are good and he is 1000% honest. I highly recommend his product and his service. His web address is: http://southernafricamilitaria.com/
I would recommend James MacKenzie at southernafricamilitaria.com His prices are good and he is 1000% honest. I highly recommend his product and his service. His web address is: http://southernafricamilitaria.com/
Always looking for Central American militaria 1965 to 1991. Especially items relating to Coronel Velasquez El Salvador Armed Forces
mcoleman762- Junior Sergeant
- Name : Mike
Location : Downeast Maine
Registration date : 2009-02-18
Number of posts : 172
- Post n°4
Re: SADF Nutria Combats
I agree with Arch, James gets two thumbs up from me! Been dealing with him since around '99 or so and I've never been disappointed. Another site you need to check out is www.camocorp.co.za Albert is a good egg, and his prices are quite cheap for the nutria uniforms. Tell him I sent ya!
bajiman55- Corporal
- Name : Yehoshua
Location : USA/Israel
Registration date : 2010-04-02
Number of posts : 55
- Post n°5
Re: SADF Nutria Combats
I just picked up a long sleeve SADF nutria shirt and a short sleeve one on ebay from a seller named puregoods77. I paid $20 for one and $15 for the other. He's from Durban and occasionally posts some cool South African stuff for sale. If you're interested in that kind of stuff find him on ebay and check his stuff out every once in a while. Sometimes he has no militaria at all, but every month or so his listings are full of cheap South African modern boonie hats, nutria shirts/jackets, and bunches of other cool stuff like that. I'll try to post some pics of the nutria shirts when they arrive.