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3 posters

    post 2003 Iraqi Army cloth insignia

    Sergeant Major
    Sergeant Major

    Location : georgia
    Registration date : 2009-02-21
    Number of posts : 419

    post 2003 Iraqi Army cloth insignia Empty post 2003 Iraqi Army cloth insignia

    Post by zvez Fri Jan 28, 2011 11:09 pm

    I've amassed a huge collection of post Hussein Iraq military insignia. As I get around to it, I'll start posting here. The Iraq insignia is quite interesting in it's construction. All are cut edge as opposed to a merrowed edge(merrowed edge on US type patches where the embroidery wraps around the edge of the patch). Many are hand guided machine sewn by tailors much like the local mades during the vietnam war.

    I try to pair pics from my collection with pics of the insignia in actual use, makes for a more meaningful record.

    A cool subject.

    The first batch are all ca 2004-5 8th Iraqi Division patches, and various sub units of 8ID.

    post 2003 Iraqi Army cloth insignia 8IA_badging-1
    post 2003 Iraqi Army cloth insignia Iraq8id2post 2003 Iraqi Army cloth insignia 2_4_8IA
    post 2003 Iraqi Army cloth insignia Iraq8id
    post 2003 Iraqi Army cloth insignia Iraqi_EODsmall
    post 2003 Iraqi Army cloth insignia Iraq8id3
    post 2003 Iraqi Army cloth insignia 8_IA_EOD
    post 2003 Iraqi Army cloth insignia 8IA_badging2


    Name : Steve Hoeger
    Age : 57
    Location : California , U.S.A
    Registration date : 2009-02-16
    Number of posts : 3068

    post 2003 Iraqi Army cloth insignia Empty Re: post 2003 Iraqi Army cloth insignia

    Post by panzerwerk Sat Jan 29, 2011 12:33 am

    Really Nice !!!
    Iraqi Militaria

    Name : SSG Luna, Lorenzo
    Age : 48
    Location : Baghdad, Iraq in Heart
    Registration date : 2010-01-13
    Number of posts : 254

    post 2003 Iraqi Army cloth insignia Empty Re: post 2003 Iraqi Army cloth insignia

    Post by Iraqi Militaria Sat Apr 23, 2011 4:01 am


    You have a very nice collection of Iraqi Insignia and images.. you should start a book on Iraqi Insignia..

    Thank you for posting


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