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5 posters

    My Cadpat Jacket and Trousers.

    Easy Gee
    Easy Gee

    Name : Gary
    Age : 55
    Location : UK
    Registration date : 2010-06-12
    Number of posts : 3591

    My Cadpat Jacket and Trousers. Empty My Cadpat Jacket and Trousers.

    Post by Easy Gee Sat Aug 20, 2011 2:03 pm

    Hi Guys.

    Cadpat seems to be a bit popular at the moment, so I thought I would share mine.
    I got this set through a Trade,via another Forum, I can't show the Jacket label, as the guy is currently serving in the CF, but the Trouser label is unmarked, so I have provided the label on these.

    I have been assured by him these are 100% genuine issue!!

    My Cadpat Jacket and Trousers. Dsc03923My Cadpat Jacket and Trousers. Dsc03924My Cadpat Jacket and Trousers. Dsc03925My Cadpat Jacket and Trousers. Dsc03926 My Cadpat Jacket and Trousers. Dsc03927

    Name : Ben
    Location : Lefthand side of the Atlantic
    Registration date : 2009-07-22
    Number of posts : 2705

    My Cadpat Jacket and Trousers. Empty Re: My Cadpat Jacket and Trousers.

    Post by Camo_fiend Sat Aug 20, 2011 4:01 pm

    These are nice, Gary! Cool

    What'd you trade for these? I might just message our Canadian friend on the OEF forum about a trade for some, I want a set really bad. Laughing

    Interested in any European digital camo.

    See my collection online: http://benscamo.webs.com/
    Easy Gee
    Easy Gee

    Name : Gary
    Age : 55
    Location : UK
    Registration date : 2010-06-12
    Number of posts : 3591

    My Cadpat Jacket and Trousers. Empty Re: My Cadpat Jacket and Trousers.

    Post by Easy Gee Sat Aug 20, 2011 4:16 pm

    Camo_fiend wrote:These are nice, Gary! Cool

    What'd you trade for these? I might just message our Canadian friend on the OEF forum about a trade for some, I want a set really bad. Laughing

    Thanks Ben what did I trade an arm and a leg Mate Laughing

    And no it's not our Canadian friend on Oef I got it from another person so don't ask him for some Exclamation

    Thanks for looking Mate.

    Location : Auckland
    Registration date : 2011-08-07
    Number of posts : 288

    My Cadpat Jacket and Trousers. Empty Re: My Cadpat Jacket and Trousers.

    Post by onward288 Wed Sep 07, 2011 8:11 pm

    Nice cams heres some ones that have surfaced in NZ

    My Cadpat Jacket and Trousers. 08092011

    My Cadpat Jacket and Trousers. 08092012

    My Cadpat Jacket and Trousers. 08092013

    Easy Gee
    Easy Gee

    Name : Gary
    Age : 55
    Location : UK
    Registration date : 2010-06-12
    Number of posts : 3591

    My Cadpat Jacket and Trousers. Empty Re: My Cadpat Jacket and Trousers.

    Post by Easy Gee Thu Sep 08, 2011 6:11 pm

    Thanks for looking and for your comments.

    I have a couple sets of the OD Lightweight stuff too, very functional and quick drying kit.

    I have yet to add any Arid Cadpat to my collection.ButI'm hoping to trade for some sooner or later.

    Love what you got there mate, nice one Wink
    Tyler Flint
    Tyler Flint

    Name : Username is the same hahahaha
    Location : Canada
    Registration date : 2011-11-14
    Number of posts : 296

    My Cadpat Jacket and Trousers. Empty Re: My Cadpat Jacket and Trousers.

    Post by Tyler Flint Mon Nov 14, 2011 4:59 pm

    Hi Guys, just thought I'd put it out there that possesion of Canadian DND issued CADPAT AR TW or other patterns (Arctic)Is ILLEGAL, Its a federal offence and can carry a hefty fine, confiscation of goods and jail time. The label shown in the pictures here are DND Issue the TW (Green) CADPAT that was from new zealand isnt DND issue hence its legal. The AR (Arid) Stuff as far as I can tell is DND Issue and the stuff easy gee posted at the beggining is DND issue Its ILLEGAL TO BUY SELL TRADE OR BE IN POSSESSION OF. Up here we recently had 2 CF members arrested for leaking CADPAT. If I where you Id lock it up and tell noone you have it because if the CF finds out it is not a pretty scene. Not trying to insult anyone just giveing everyone a heads up..........

    Name : Steve Hoeger
    Age : 57
    Location : California , U.S.A
    Registration date : 2009-02-17
    Number of posts : 3068

    My Cadpat Jacket and Trousers. Empty Re: My Cadpat Jacket and Trousers.

    Post by panzerwerk Mon Nov 14, 2011 7:01 pm

    Canadian law , for Canadians of course , not civilians from other countries ,BTW , I can find no reference in Canadian Civilian law that states it is illegal to own CADPAT , the military has rules and laws about it , but Military code as I have read does not apply to Civilians , please show me the law that states it is Illegal to own as I cannot find it , and this argument has been going on for years now.

    Criminal Code
    Public Stores
    Unlawful use of military uniforms or certificates
    419. Every one who without lawful authority, the proof of which lies on him,

    (a) wears a uniform of the Canadian Forces or any other naval, army or air force or a uniform that is so similar to the uniform of any of those forces that it is likely to be mistaken therefor,

    (b) wears a distinctive mark relating to wounds received or service performed in war, or a military medal, ribbon, badge, chevron or any decoration or order that is awarded for war services, or any imitation thereof, or any mark or device or thing that is likely to be mistaken for any such mark, medal, ribbon, badge, chevron, decoration or order,

    (c) has in his possession a certificate of discharge, certificate of release, statement of service or identity card from the Canadian Forces or any other naval, army or air force that has not been issued to and does not belong to him, or

    (d) has in his possession a commission or warrant or a certificate of discharge, certificate of release, statement of service or identity card, issued to an officer or a person in or who has been in the Canadian Forces or any other naval, army or air force, that contains any alteration that is not verified by the initials of the officer who issued it, or by the initials of an officer thereto lawfully authorized,

    is guilty of an offence punishable on summary conviction.

    R.S., c. C-34, s. 377.
    Tyler Flint
    Tyler Flint

    Name : Username is the same hahahaha
    Location : Canada
    Registration date : 2011-11-14
    Number of posts : 296

    My Cadpat Jacket and Trousers. Empty Re: My Cadpat Jacket and Trousers.

    Post by Tyler Flint Mon Nov 14, 2011 7:22 pm

    I personally am not shure of the law but I was shooting out a warning ad you said I think its more for CF members then anything. But still I would be careful selling/tradeing. Smile

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