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2 posters

    Commercial Propper, Tru-Spec/Atlantco quality

    John Brown

    Location : Houston, Texas
    Registration date : 2011-09-11
    Number of posts : 234

    Commercial Propper, Tru-Spec/Atlantco quality Empty Commercial Propper, Tru-Spec/Atlantco quality

    Post by John Brown Sun Sep 18, 2011 2:24 pm

    Aside from the fact that their commercial repros aren't "quite" the same pattern as what they are copying, do you guys find the overall quality to be the same as the "official" military production stuff?
    Senior Sergeant
    Senior Sergeant

    Name : clayton
    Location : Florida
    Registration date : 2011-08-26
    Number of posts : 305

    Commercial Propper, Tru-Spec/Atlantco quality Empty Re: Commercial Propper, Tru-Spec/Atlantco quality

    Post by Gemini Sun Sep 18, 2011 2:37 pm

    I know propper does a damn good job.I have two coats made by them,a tiger stripe and what I think is a NWU coat in a ACU cut.I think the quality is the same.

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