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4 posters

    uniform and equipment. Argentine army. 1982

    Junior Sergeant
    Junior Sergeant

    Name : Juan Pablo
    Age : 51
    Location : argentina
    Registration date : 2011-07-26
    Number of posts : 137

    uniform and equipment. Argentine army. 1982 Empty uniform and equipment. Argentine army. 1982

    Post by teysseire1972 Wed Oct 12, 2011 10:37 pm

    hello friends.
    part of my collection.
    uniform and equipment. Argentine army. 1982 268056_2162559111395_1469127393_32447246_1950921_nuniform and equipment. Argentine army. 1982 263778_2162559431403_1469127393_32447248_2297377_nuniform and equipment. Argentine army. 1982 263462_2162552831238_1469127393_32447243_4380079_nuniform and equipment. Argentine army. 1982 DSCN3116uniform and equipment. Argentine army. 1982 DSCN3021uniform and equipment. Argentine army. 1982 DSCN3029uniform and equipment. Argentine army. 1982 DSCN3061

    Location : Auckland
    Registration date : 2011-08-06
    Number of posts : 288

    uniform and equipment. Argentine army. 1982 Empty Re: uniform and equipment. Argentine army. 1982

    Post by onward288 Thu Oct 13, 2011 5:33 am

    Nice is the Durbon Israeli made?

    Location : Oz
    Registration date : 2009-02-16
    Number of posts : 1088

    uniform and equipment. Argentine army. 1982 Empty Re: uniform and equipment. Argentine army. 1982

    Post by filupe Thu Oct 13, 2011 11:29 am

    A neglected and understudied field - thanks for sharing!

    At the risk of turning this into the 'go to' thread for Falklands Argie gear, here are some references I've managed to pick up over time:

    uniform and equipment. Argentine army. 1982 Argie%2001

    uniform and equipment. Argentine army. 1982 Argie%2002

    uniform and equipment. Argentine army. 1982 Argie%2003

    uniform and equipment. Argentine army. 1982 Argie%2004

    uniform and equipment. Argentine army. 1982 Argie%2005

    uniform and equipment. Argentine army. 1982 Argie%2006

    uniform and equipment. Argentine army. 1982 Argie%2007

    uniform and equipment. Argentine army. 1982 Argie%2008

    uniform and equipment. Argentine army. 1982 Argie%2009

    uniform and equipment. Argentine army. 1982 Argie%20vest

    How easy is it in Argentina to still pick up uniforms/webbing from that era?
    Junior Sergeant
    Junior Sergeant

    Name : Juan Pablo
    Age : 51
    Location : argentina
    Registration date : 2011-07-26
    Number of posts : 137

    uniform and equipment. Argentine army. 1982 Empty Re: uniform and equipment. Argentine army. 1982

    Post by teysseire1972 Thu Oct 13, 2011 10:26 pm

    thank you!
    onward288: yes. is manufactured in Israel.
    filupe: some items are relatively easy to get. others are more difficult.

    Age : 53
    Location : Wales
    Registration date : 2011-05-13
    Number of posts : 3858

    uniform and equipment. Argentine army. 1982 Empty Re: uniform and equipment. Argentine army. 1982

    Post by Gulf91 Fri Oct 14, 2011 4:43 am

    Very very nice..
    Junior Sergeant
    Junior Sergeant

    Name : Juan Pablo
    Age : 51
    Location : argentina
    Registration date : 2011-07-26
    Number of posts : 137

    uniform and equipment. Argentine army. 1982 Empty Re: uniform and equipment. Argentine army. 1982

    Post by teysseire1972 Fri Oct 14, 2011 4:51 am

    uniform and equipment. Argentine army. 1982 DSCN4105
    marines camo jacket
    Junior Sergeant
    Junior Sergeant

    Name : Juan Pablo
    Age : 51
    Location : argentina
    Registration date : 2011-07-26
    Number of posts : 137

    uniform and equipment. Argentine army. 1982 Empty Re: uniform and equipment. Argentine army. 1982

    Post by teysseire1972 Fri Oct 14, 2011 4:53 am

    uniform and equipment. Argentine army. 1982 DSC_3804-1
    army commandos camo jacket

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    uniform and equipment. Argentine army. 1982 Empty Re: uniform and equipment. Argentine army. 1982

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