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    Seeming Lack of Interest.


    Name : Syd
    Age : 61
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    Seeming Lack of Interest. Empty Seeming Lack of Interest.

    Post by locobuster Sun Apr 05, 2009 6:08 pm

    I'm just curious as to the reasons you guys might think for the lack of interest in Navy items versus say, AAF, AF, or USMC...

    Looking forward to your opinions!
    pirat Syd

    Victory By Valor (Motto of the 20th Fighter Group)
    Quote of the Century: [shrapneldude] 9:15 pm: I'm half-tempted to take my Marines down and put up some AAF displays.
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    Name : Scott
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    Seeming Lack of Interest. Empty Re: Seeming Lack of Interest.

    Post by mr.b Sun Apr 05, 2009 6:19 pm

    From what I have got from the other forums. I get the impression that its not the cool thing to collect the navy did nothing during any conflict. They just sit on boats and do nothing. I know the navy uniforms aren't "sexy" like any of the other branches but these guys did their part just like the airborne and usmc. I mean look at ww2 the navy had fire for the marines and army during the landings at normandy and any pacific invasion. They drove the Higgins boats in at d day and all the invasions. I guess I really enjoy Navy and honor these men for what they have done

    Last edited by mr.b on Sun Apr 05, 2009 6:23 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Name : Arch
    Location : Kentucky, USA
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    Seeming Lack of Interest. Empty Re: Seeming Lack of Interest.

    Post by nkomo Sun Apr 05, 2009 6:20 pm

    Just my opinion, but most people like the romanctic notion of soldiers fighting and dying in combat on some far-flung battlefield in defense of US ideals. Thus the fixation with WW2 Airborne and WW2 USMC. These two groups saw heavy combat in the ETO and PTO. They were the ground-pounders. What people don't take into consideration is that the US Navy, USAAF, and the USCG did just as much to support these troops and actually did participate in heavy combat as well. I think that most people view the above mentioned services with disdain because, in their minds, the other branches didn't fight as hard as the WW2 ABN or WW2 USMC. It all boils down to people being ignorant and feeling that ABN and USMC is more sexy than other branches.

    Always looking for Central American militaria 1965 to 1991.  Especially items relating to Coronel Velasquez El Salvador Armed Forces

    Name : Andrew
    Age : 29
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    Seeming Lack of Interest. Empty Re: Seeming Lack of Interest.

    Post by AndrewA74 Sun Apr 05, 2009 6:24 pm

    mr.b wrote:Everyone
    ...They drove the Higgins boats in at d day and all the invasions.
    So did the coast guard, which is also under-appreciated.

    Name : Jeremy
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    Seeming Lack of Interest. Empty Re: Seeming Lack of Interest.

    Post by Mercenary25 Sun Apr 05, 2009 6:43 pm

    Everyone should remember that Battleships, destroyers, aircraft carriers, and etc.... don't run by their own. They are operated by sailors.

    Best quote of generation by Mr.B:: dude #$%^&* ww2 navy LMAO.

    Seeming Lack of Interest. Oifbanner


    Location : New England, US
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    Seeming Lack of Interest. Empty Re: Seeming Lack of Interest.

    Post by CollectinSteve Sun Apr 05, 2009 7:01 pm

    I agree that it seems interest in naval items is low. The big reasons have been touched on above, but another two to consider are:

    1. The interesting stuff is found in proportionally small numbers compared to ground forces. Oh, say the uniform of a specific position on an aircraft carrier for example.

    2. Surplus shops don't tend to carry much surplus stuff from the navies of the world.

    The possible exception to the general lack of interest in Naval stuff are the dress uniforms. Having said that, I've seen rare 1950s Bundesmarine (W.German Navy) items sell for quite a bit, but less than similar timeframe Bundesheer (W.German Army) dress uniforms go for. This despite the fact that the Heer stuff is easier to find relatively speaking.

    From my own perspective, I can't collect everything in the world so I concentrate on ground forces. I only deviate from that when the non ground forces uniforms are camouflage or Bundesluftwaffe (W.German Airforce). As for the latter, I have no idea why!

    Junior Sergeant
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    Seeming Lack of Interest. Empty Re: Seeming Lack of Interest.

    Post by Tuna Fri May 01, 2009 1:25 am

    Thats ok, here, I am a freak for even collecting. If it makes you happy, collect it, who care what someone else thinks.
    Junior Sergeant
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    Name : Jake
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    Seeming Lack of Interest. Empty Re: Seeming Lack of Interest.

    Post by navax Tue Apr 13, 2010 9:23 pm

    I noticed that the Navy doesn't get as much of a collecting crowd as the others. Personally, I'd trade my non-Navy stuff for Navy stuff because to me they have some of the best uniforms. Also, tell me if I'm wrong but it seems like Navy stuff isn't as big in the surplus stores as something like the Army is. Maybe it's just because I'm a Navy guy. lol!
    Junior Sergeant
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    Seeming Lack of Interest. Empty Re: Seeming Lack of Interest.

    Post by Sarge Mon Aug 02, 2010 4:27 am

    CollectinSteve wrote:
    From my own perspective, I can't collect everything in the world so I concentrate on ground forces. I only deviate from that when the non ground forces uniforms are camouflage or Bundesluftwaffe (W.German Airforce). As for the latter, I have no idea why! Steve

    Und varum nicht eine Luftwaffe sammler sind? Meinselb es ist Luftwaffe von 2.WeltKrieg und die beste das is Die Fallschirmjäger!

    Another reason very little Navy stuff is found in surpluss store is they are a long ways away from a Navy base. Go look around San Diego or LA.
    I don't collekt Navy stuff, I just accumulate it. I've still got some of my uniforms from 2 hitches 6 yrs apart. I've also picked up a few other things over the years.

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