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    Modern Military Bibles and Religious Publications (Reference)


    Name : Andrew
    Age : 29
    Location : Mocksville, NC
    Registration date : 2009-02-17
    Number of posts : 930

    Modern Military Bibles and Religious Publications (Reference) Empty Modern Military Bibles and Religious Publications (Reference)

    Post by AndrewA74 Sun Apr 05, 2009 9:29 pm

    If you have any modern military Bibles or other Religious publications, please post here. I'll start off. These bibles (with the exception of the bottom left one) were sent to me by a chaplain in the Army. The top ones are bibles, and the bottom ones are other Christain publications. The left ones are unit marked, and BDU. The top right is ACU and the bottom right is just desert tan. Thanks.

    Modern Military Bibles and Religious Publications (Reference) P1000943
    Dingo 1
    Dingo 1

    Name : Ernest
    Location : California, USA
    Registration date : 2009-06-13
    Number of posts : 60

    Modern Military Bibles and Religious Publications (Reference) Empty Re: Modern Military Bibles and Religious Publications (Reference)

    Post by Dingo 1 Fri Jun 19, 2009 9:57 pm

    I know you said publications but I thought the Chaplin's Carriers would be OK?

    [img]Modern Military Bibles and Religious Publications (Reference) Bible110[/img][img]Modern Military Bibles and Religious Publications (Reference) Bible210[/img][img]Modern Military Bibles and Religious Publications (Reference) Bible310[/img][img]Modern Military Bibles and Religious Publications (Reference) Bible410[/img]

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