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    living history-us army and usmc from nam to 1990s

    msgt norway
    Junior Sergeant
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    Age : 50
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    Registration date : 2012-03-06
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    living history-us army and usmc from nam to 1990s Empty living history-us army and usmc from nam to 1990s

    Post by msgt norway Thu Mar 08, 2012 5:12 pm

    desert storm nigth recon,usmc 1990/91
    living history-us army and usmc from nam to 1990s DSCN5534

    living history-us army and usmc from nam to 1990s DSCN5537

    living history-us army and usmc from nam to 1990s DSCN5538

    living history-us army and usmc from nam to 1990s DSCN5539

    usmc recon 1990s in norway arctic training
    living history-us army and usmc from nam to 1990s DSCN4983

    living history-us army and usmc from nam to 1990s DSCN4984

    living history-us army and usmc from nam to 1990s DSCN4987

    living history-us army and usmc from nam to 1990s DSCN4991

    usmc recon vietnam
    living history-us army and usmc from nam to 1990s DSCN3629

    living history-us army and usmc from nam to 1990s DSCN3631

    living history-us army and usmc from nam to 1990s DSCN3634

    living history-us army and usmc from nam to 1990s DSCN3641

    cheers ken,norway
    msgt norway
    Junior Sergeant
    Junior Sergeant

    Age : 50
    Location : norway
    Registration date : 2012-03-06
    Number of posts : 100

    living history-us army and usmc from nam to 1990s Empty Re: living history-us army and usmc from nam to 1990s

    Post by msgt norway Thu Mar 08, 2012 5:20 pm

    us army,reforger exersice,germany late 1980s
    living history-us army and usmc from nam to 1990s DSCN3119

    living history-us army and usmc from nam to 1990s DSCN3118

    us army military police,kosovo1999
    living history-us army and usmc from nam to 1990s DSCN3108

    living history-us army and usmc from nam to 1990s DSCN3107

    living history-us army and usmc from nam to 1990s DSCN3106

    living history-us army and usmc from nam to 1990s DSCN3105

    living history-us army and usmc from nam to 1990s DSCN3104

    us army ranger,norway arctic training mid 1990s
    living history-us army and usmc from nam to 1990s DSCN2658

    living history-us army and usmc from nam to 1990s DSCN2663

    living history-us army and usmc from nam to 1990s DSCN2665

    usmc arctic camp norway,mid 1980s
    living history-us army and usmc from nam to 1990s DSCN2685

    living history-us army and usmc from nam to 1990s DSCN2687

    living history-us army and usmc from nam to 1990s DSCN2692

    living history-us army and usmc from nam to 1990s DSCN2691

    living history-us army and usmc from nam to 1990s DSCN2690

    cheers ken,norway.

    Location : Austria
    Registration date : 2009-02-17
    Number of posts : 3123

    living history-us army and usmc from nam to 1990s Empty Re: living history-us army and usmc from nam to 1990s

    Post by Philip Thu Mar 08, 2012 5:31 pm

    Nice pics, Ken. But did they already have the MSS in 1990?

    msgt norway
    Junior Sergeant
    Junior Sergeant

    Age : 50
    Location : norway
    Registration date : 2012-03-06
    Number of posts : 100

    living history-us army and usmc from nam to 1990s Empty Re: living history-us army and usmc from nam to 1990s

    Post by msgt norway Fri Mar 09, 2012 4:56 am

    gues you think of the coleman stove?=mss?

    my stove is from 1995,model 550 B
    i should have been more specific with the time frame
    when i posted the pictures.

    or did you think of the sleeping bag cover.?
    the usmc recon did trail the goretex covers in norway
    from 1990 to 1995,they did not have the new style bags
    at that time just the good old extreme cold weather bag
    and the goretex cover.

    cheers ken,norway

    Location : Austria
    Registration date : 2009-02-17
    Number of posts : 3123

    living history-us army and usmc from nam to 1990s Empty Re: living history-us army and usmc from nam to 1990s

    Post by Philip Fri Mar 09, 2012 5:05 am

    Ok, thanks. I was talking about the sleeping bag. MSS= modular sleeping system.

    msgt norway
    Junior Sergeant
    Junior Sergeant

    Age : 50
    Location : norway
    Registration date : 2012-03-06
    Number of posts : 100

    living history-us army and usmc from nam to 1990s Empty Re: living history-us army and usmc from nam to 1990s

    Post by msgt norway Fri Mar 09, 2012 4:58 pm

    us army ranger 1970s,radio operator
    living history-us army and usmc from nam to 1990s Rangerside3

    living history-us army and usmc from nam to 1990s Ranger70

    living history-us army and usmc from nam to 1990s Ranger70radio3

    living history-us army and usmc from nam to 1990s Ranger70radio

    living history-us army and usmc from nam to 1990s Ranger70front4

    living history-us army and usmc from nam to 1990s Ranger702

    us army ranger 1990s
    living history-us army and usmc from nam to 1990s DSCN0805

    living history-us army and usmc from nam to 1990s DSCN0807

    living history-us army and usmc from nam to 1990s DSCN0809

    living history-us army and usmc from nam to 1990s DSCN0816

    living history-us army and usmc from nam to 1990s DSCN0819

    living history-us army and usmc from nam to 1990s Ranger9

    msgt norway
    Junior Sergeant
    Junior Sergeant

    Age : 50
    Location : norway
    Registration date : 2012-03-06
    Number of posts : 100

    living history-us army and usmc from nam to 1990s Empty Re: living history-us army and usmc from nam to 1990s

    Post by msgt norway Fri Mar 09, 2012 5:04 pm

    usmc 1990s operation black frost,norway
    living history-us army and usmc from nam to 1990s Smcbarfrost8

    living history-us army and usmc from nam to 1990s Usmcbarfrost5

    living history-us army and usmc from nam to 1990s Usmcbarfrost

    living history-us army and usmc from nam to 1990s Usmcbarfrost4

    cheers ken,norway

    btw i know use the mx177 in my pictures,but i dont have a regular m16....
    use money on gear Laughing

    Location : losangeles.com
    Registration date : 2010-02-02
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    living history-us army and usmc from nam to 1990s Empty Re: living history-us army and usmc from nam to 1990s

    Post by kammo-man Mon Mar 12, 2012 7:26 pm

    Always great Ken !!!

    Tyler Flint
    Tyler Flint

    Name : Username is the same hahahaha
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    living history-us army and usmc from nam to 1990s Empty Re: living history-us army and usmc from nam to 1990s

    Post by Tyler Flint Fri Mar 16, 2012 12:51 pm

    Those are some awesome impressions!! Smile
    msgt norway
    Junior Sergeant
    Junior Sergeant

    Age : 50
    Location : norway
    Registration date : 2012-03-06
    Number of posts : 100

    living history-us army and usmc from nam to 1990s Empty Re: living history-us army and usmc from nam to 1990s

    Post by msgt norway Sat Mar 17, 2012 1:51 am

    thank you al for the feedback Very Happy

    always fun to do somethings that people likes Very Happy Very Happy

    cheers from ken,norway
    Junior Sergeant
    Junior Sergeant

    Age : 33
    Location : Boca Raton, Florida, United States
    Registration date : 2011-11-01
    Number of posts : 96

    living history-us army and usmc from nam to 1990s Empty Re: living history-us army and usmc from nam to 1990s

    Post by APreston Sat Mar 17, 2012 5:32 am

    Very nice impressions. One day when my boots and my gun get here I'll stick my 1980s NVA impression up. Out of curiosity, are the tent and the snowmobile yours?
    msgt norway
    Junior Sergeant
    Junior Sergeant

    Age : 50
    Location : norway
    Registration date : 2012-03-06
    Number of posts : 100

    living history-us army and usmc from nam to 1990s Empty Re: living history-us army and usmc from nam to 1990s

    Post by msgt norway Sat Mar 17, 2012 6:32 am

    APreston:Out of curiosity, are the tent and the snowmobile yours?

    ken,norway:yes its my tent and snowmobile,in fact i have 2 tents
    but i didnt put bouth up for the picture sesion.hard to put them up
    alone Laughing .

    cheers ken,norway
    al the gear and stuff you see in my pictures are from my personal collection Cool

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    living history-us army and usmc from nam to 1990s Empty Re: living history-us army and usmc from nam to 1990s

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