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2 posters

    French War Memorials...


    Location : Philippines
    Registration date : 2012-05-02
    Number of posts : 19

    French War Memorials... Empty French War Memorials...

    Post by Polkas Thu May 03, 2012 7:39 pm

    Bumped into this... It's a memorial located at the village of Cannet (beside Cannes), Cote D' Azur, French Riviera.

    It's a memorial to villagers of Cannet that fought in various conflicts/ wars that the French were involved in. The winged female statue has a wreath in one hand and a sword in the other. She also wears a "poilu" helmet. There is another at the base of the memorial.

    Inscribed on the pedestal are the names of Cannet villagers that died fighting in these conflicts/ wars as well as the dates of these conflicts, which range from WW1 up to Africa. There are 2 names of villagers that died in the Indochina war, one of these 2 died in Dien Bien Phu, as can be seen by reading the name in the pic.

    French War Memorials... 036-2

    French War Memorials... 037-2

    French War Memorials... 041-2

    French War Memorials... 034-2

    French War Memorials... 042-1

    French War Memorials... 043-1

    Saw another French war memorial at Nice, Cote d' Azur, French Riviera... This one was HUGE, built in an old quarry excavated at the foot of Castle Hill, it was inaugurated in 1928 by Marshal Foch.

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    French War Memorials... 077-1

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    French War Memorials... 080

    French War Memorials... 082-1

    In the village/ town of Le Cannet...

    French War Memorials... 104

    In Antibes...

    French War Memorials... 018-5

    In Vallauris...

    French War Memorials... 078

    In Mougins... Memorial to Commandant Lamy.

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    22 July 2011...

    The Deportation Museum, Paris, France...

    Set below ground level, beside the Seine river this museum shuts out completely the sights and sounds of bustling Paris above. It is a memorial to French citizens that died in various Nazi concentration camps. It was a solemn and somber experience visiting this place... I did not know this even existed until I saw it...

    This is what you see above-ground, before you take a flight of steps to go down. The Seine river is on the left. Note the rough inscription on the face of the concrete...

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    At the bottom of the flight of steps... Visitors must pass in between the large blocks which where designed narrow, so as to force visitors to pass single file to enter. Photography is not allowed inside this memorial... Inside it is quite dark, with minimal lighting. Roughly scratched inscriptions on the walls spell out the names of different concentration camps where French citizens lost their lives to the barbaric Nazis. A narrow passageway has 200,000 small lights on the sides, representing the French dead.

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    Place St. Michel... Please read the inscription on the base...

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    Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, Arc De Triomphe, Paris

    French War Memorials... 015-8

    Bumped into this one while I was walking towards Invalides...

    French War Memorials... 070-2

    French War Memorials... 071-1

    Location : losangeles.com
    Registration date : 2010-02-02
    Number of posts : 1086

    French War Memorials... Empty Re: French War Memorials...

    Post by kammo-man Thu May 03, 2012 9:04 pm

    Great report , keep it coming !


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