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2 posters

    Another kiddie camo item...CCE Hunting vest!!

    Easy Gee
    Easy Gee

    Name : Gary
    Age : 55
    Location : UK
    Registration date : 2010-06-12
    Number of posts : 3591

    Another kiddie camo item...CCE Hunting vest!! Empty Another kiddie camo item...CCE Hunting vest!!

    Post by Easy Gee Sun Aug 19, 2012 9:13 am

    Hi Guys.

    Here's another commercial kiddie camo item I have had knocking around my loft, this Vest is very close to original CCE material, the poppers are just for show,as the pockets are closed with velcro, it is a French made item, I believe the type of thing sold in Camping/hunting shops, and I have seen similar items on many trips to France.

    Thought it might be of interest Smile

    Another kiddie camo item...CCE Hunting vest!! Dsc07341Another kiddie camo item...CCE Hunting vest!! Dsc07342

    Location : Oz
    Registration date : 2009-02-16
    Number of posts : 1088

    Another kiddie camo item...CCE Hunting vest!! Empty Re: Another kiddie camo item...CCE Hunting vest!!

    Post by filupe Sun Aug 19, 2012 11:53 am

    Nice ...

    I'm actually in the market for kiddie camo items .. well, to elaborate I'm looking for a genuine Vietnam era tiger or leaf camo uniform for my kid. When I wasn't looking I'd come across the occasional piece for around $50 but now I want one I either can't find them or when I do, they are over US$100!

    The closest he's come is an Auscam DPDU lined seat for his stroller ...

    Anyone else here got pics of their kid dressed up?
    Easy Gee
    Easy Gee

    Name : Gary
    Age : 55
    Location : UK
    Registration date : 2010-06-12
    Number of posts : 3591

    Another kiddie camo item...CCE Hunting vest!! Empty Re: Another kiddie camo item...CCE Hunting vest!!

    Post by Easy Gee Mon Aug 20, 2012 2:53 pm

    filupe wrote:Nice ...

    I'm actually in the market for kiddie camo items .. well, to elaborate I'm looking for a genuine Vietnam era tiger or leaf camo uniform for my kid. When I wasn't looking I'd come across the occasional piece for around $50 but now I want one I either can't find them or when I do, they are over US$100!

    The closest he's come is an Auscam DPDU lined seat for his stroller ...

    Anyone else here got pics of their kid dressed up?

    Thanks for looking filupe, the DPDU stroller seat sounds very cool mate, wish I had a kid young enough to have a DPM equivelant...but then again!!!.

    Here's an idea for IACMC, how about a kids camo area Question

    I think it's a great idea to introduce our kids to camo,you never know, it could turn out to be a shared interest in years to come, gotta be better than the "sit in doors x-box generation" of today Very Happy

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    Another kiddie camo item...CCE Hunting vest!! Empty Re: Another kiddie camo item...CCE Hunting vest!!

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