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    SA80 Magazines

    Sergeant Major
    Sergeant Major

    Location : UK
    Registration date : 2011-10-21
    Number of posts : 487

    SA80 Magazines  Empty SA80 Magazines

    Post by sobota Wed Oct 31, 2012 7:13 pm

    SA80 Magazines  116

    different baseplates.
    SA80 Magazines  217

    different round platforms. New (L) and old (R).
    SA80 Magazines  317

    notice the curve of the magazines, the newer models curve more, see how the bottom of the older magazines straightens out?
    SA80 Magazines  416

    there is no hole for the magazine catch in the newer model, from personal experience the catch would sometimes be too effective in keeping the magazine in the weapon, the newer mags were far easier to remove
    SA80 Magazines  717

    different baseplates, the newer ones are slightly harder to remove which is good as the old ones could sometimes dislodge if you bash them about a bit
    SA80 Magazines  817

    new spring and old, the newer one slightly longer, notice also how the round platform has longer 'legs' which means its easier to slide up and down inside the magazine, the old ones would get wedged and cause stoppages
    SA80 Magazines  916

    John Brown

    Location : Houston, Texas
    Registration date : 2011-09-11
    Number of posts : 234

    SA80 Magazines  Empty Re: SA80 Magazines

    Post by John Brown Wed Oct 31, 2012 7:17 pm

    The H&K marked mags are sold commercially as "HK High Reliability magazines" where legal.

    These are an all steel magazine, and intercompatible with the AR15/M16 platform.
    Sergeant Major
    Sergeant Major

    Location : UK
    Registration date : 2011-10-21
    Number of posts : 487

    SA80 Magazines  Empty Re: SA80 Magazines

    Post by sobota Wed Oct 31, 2012 7:31 pm

    another base plate in the L85A1 manual:
    SA80 Magazines  Img_0315
    Senior Lieutenant
    Senior Lieutenant

    Location : England
    Registration date : 2009-04-16
    Number of posts : 814

    SA80 Magazines  Empty Re: SA80 Magazines

    Post by bravo_2_zero Fri Nov 02, 2012 12:51 pm

    John Brown wrote:The H&K marked mags are sold commercially as "HK High Reliability magazines" where legal.

    These are an all steel magazine, and intercompatible with the AR15/M16 platform.

    True, the SA80 mags will not fit in an M16 housing but the M16 will fit inside the SA80.
    John Brown

    Location : Houston, Texas
    Registration date : 2011-09-11
    Number of posts : 234

    SA80 Magazines  Empty Re: SA80 Magazines

    Post by John Brown Fri Nov 02, 2012 1:25 pm

    bravo_2_zero wrote:
    John Brown wrote:The H&K marked mags are sold commercially as "HK High Reliability magazines" where legal.

    These are an all steel magazine, and intercompatible with the AR15/M16 platform.

    True, the SA80 mags will not fit in an M16 housing but the M16 will fit inside the SA80.
    That's weird.

    I've got several SA80 mags (surplus from the UK - not commercial HK) that run just fine in my AR15.
    Senior Lieutenant
    Senior Lieutenant

    Location : England
    Registration date : 2009-04-16
    Number of posts : 814

    SA80 Magazines  Empty Re: SA80 Magazines

    Post by bravo_2_zero Fri Nov 02, 2012 1:31 pm

    John Brown wrote:
    bravo_2_zero wrote:
    John Brown wrote:The H&K marked mags are sold commercially as "HK High Reliability magazines" where legal.

    These are an all steel magazine, and intercompatible with the AR15/M16 platform.

    True, the SA80 mags will not fit in an M16 housing but the M16 will fit inside the SA80.
    That's weird.

    I've got several SA80 mags (surplus from the UK - not commercial HK) that run just fine in my AR15.

    We were trying the original armour lite AR15 with 3 prong flash eliminator, the 1990's period mags wouldn't fit at all. We could only get the original colt ones supplied with the weapon to fit.

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