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    SA M87 with strangely a US Desert Choc Chip Cover??


    Age : 53
    Location : Wales
    Registration date : 2011-05-13
    Number of posts : 3858

    SA M87 with strangely a US Desert Choc Chip Cover?? Empty SA M87 with strangely a US Desert Choc Chip Cover??

    Post by Gulf91 Sun Dec 23, 2012 10:59 am

    South African M87 helmet with strangely a US Choc Chip cover that has been on the helmet for a long time by the look of things-any ideas why the Choc cover?

    SA M87 with strangely a US Desert Choc Chip Cover?? DSCF0001-11_zps4f38752c

    SA M87 with strangely a US Desert Choc Chip Cover?? DSCF0002-16_zpsc9cef9c3

    SA M87 with strangely a US Desert Choc Chip Cover?? DSCF0003-13_zpse8ce83c0

    SA M87 with strangely a US Desert Choc Chip Cover?? DSCF0004-15_zps79816459

    SA M87 with strangely a US Desert Choc Chip Cover?? DSCF0005-9_zpsffbb8ae5

    SA M87 with strangely a US Desert Choc Chip Cover?? DSCF0006-11_zps116a0b34

    SA M87 with strangely a US Desert Choc Chip Cover?? DSCF0007-8_zps797daaaf

    SA M87 with strangely a US Desert Choc Chip Cover?? DSCF0008-7_zpsc3d3d04d

    SA M87 with strangely a US Desert Choc Chip Cover?? DSCF0009-5_zps52f954cc


    Location : Jhb South Africa
    Registration date : 2012-10-18
    Number of posts : 34

    SA M87 with strangely a US Desert Choc Chip Cover?? Empty Re: SA M87 with strangely a US Desert Choc Chip Cover??

    Post by Raw01 Thu Mar 14, 2013 9:46 am

    Maybe used in some North African army?

    Age : 53
    Location : Wales
    Registration date : 2011-05-13
    Number of posts : 3858

    SA M87 with strangely a US Desert Choc Chip Cover?? Empty Re: SA M87 with strangely a US Desert Choc Chip Cover??

    Post by Gulf91 Fri Mar 15, 2013 7:39 am

    Could well be.

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    SA M87 with strangely a US Desert Choc Chip Cover?? Empty Re: SA M87 with strangely a US Desert Choc Chip Cover??

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