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    NVA Officer Visor Hat: Transition Period


    Name : Marc
    Location : Europe
    Registration date : 2011-11-29
    Number of posts : 202

    NVA Officer Visor Hat: Transition Period Empty NVA Officer Visor Hat: Transition Period

    Post by 59tankbat Wed May 22, 2013 1:04 pm

    My recent DDR picup/found is a : NVA Officer Visor Hat: Transition Period.
    i found some info about it:

    Description:From May 1990 until formal reunification in October, officers in the East German land forces wore the same hats as before but with altered cockades. Gone was the East German coat of arms, and in its place the West German circular hat device in the national colors, with black in the center. They make great collectibles not only because they date from a very brief and historic period, but also because they reveal the frustration of many NVA officers as they faced demobilization. At their worst, the hats have been converted to “crushers” or otherwise mistreated in ways that would have been unthinkable in DDR times.

    NVA Officer Visor Hat: Transition Period Afbeel17
    NVA Officer Visor Hat: Transition Period Afbeel18
    [url=https://servimg.com/view/17072176/413][img][url=https://servimg.com/image_preview.php?[url=https://servimg.com/view/17072176/415]NVA Officer Visor Hat: Transition Period Afbeel23i=414&u=17072176]NVA Officer Visor Hat: Transition Period Afbeel22[/url]https://i.servimg.com/u/f82/17/07/21/76/afbeel21.jpg[/img][/url]
    Thx for looking!


    Name : Marc
    Location : Europe
    Registration date : 2011-11-29
    Number of posts : 202

    NVA Officer Visor Hat: Transition Period Empty Re: NVA Officer Visor Hat: Transition Period

    Post by 59tankbat Wed May 22, 2013 1:06 pm

    59tankbat wrote:My recent DDR picup/found is a : NVA Officer Visor Hat: Transition Period.
    i found some info about it:

    Description:From May 1990 until formal reunification in October, officers in the East German land forces wore the same hats as before but with altered cockades. Gone was the East German coat of arms, and in its place the West German circular hat device in the national colors, with black in the center. They make great collectibles not only because they date from a very brief and historic period, but also because they reveal the frustration of many NVA officers as they faced demobilization. At their worst, the hats have been converted to “crushers” or otherwise mistreated in ways that would have been unthinkable in DDR times.

    NVA Officer Visor Hat: Transition Period Afbeel17
    NVA Officer Visor Hat: Transition Period Afbeel18
    [url=https://servimg.com/view/17072176/413][img][url=https://servimg.com/image_preview.php?[url=https://servimg.com/view/17072176/415][img][url=https://servimg.com/view/17072176/416]NVA Officer Visor Hat: Transition Period Afbeel24https://i.servimg.com/u/f82/17/07/21/76/afbeel23.jpg[/img][/url]i=414&u=17072176]NVA Officer Visor Hat: Transition Period Afbeel22[/url]https://i.servimg.com/u/f82/17/07/21/76/afbeel21.jpg[/img][/url]
    Junior Sergeant
    Junior Sergeant

    Location : YU
    Registration date : 2012-02-09
    Number of posts : 114

    NVA Officer Visor Hat: Transition Period Empty Re: NVA Officer Visor Hat: Transition Period

    Post by Jugosloven Tue Aug 06, 2013 6:49 pm

    always wanted to know a bit of history behind the transition period..thanks for sharing!

    Senior Sergeant
    Senior Sergeant

    Name : Carlos
    Location : España
    Registration date : 2010-06-04
    Number of posts : 303

    NVA Officer Visor Hat: Transition Period Empty Re: NVA Officer Visor Hat: Transition Period

    Post by spukmeyer Fri Sep 20, 2013 11:56 am

    Nice hat, was legal since the day July 11, 1990 to the end.

    NVA Officer Visor Hat: Transition Period G_006

    In this video, we see the change of army, of NVA to Bundeswher. (In caps look like yours)


    Name : Marc
    Location : Europe
    Registration date : 2011-11-29
    Number of posts : 202

    NVA Officer Visor Hat: Transition Period Empty Re: NVA Officer Visor Hat: Transition Period

    Post by 59tankbat Fri Sep 20, 2013 12:37 pm

    Yeah they wear the same hat in that youtubevideo.Thx for yr info very interesting!
    Senior Sergeant
    Senior Sergeant

    Name : Carlos
    Location : España
    Registration date : 2010-06-04
    Number of posts : 303

    NVA Officer Visor Hat: Transition Period Empty Re: NVA Officer Visor Hat: Transition Period

    Post by spukmeyer Fri Sep 20, 2013 4:33 pm

    Did you like the video and the document.Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy 

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