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4 posters

    ANA Gray Field Pants with Green "Severe Pentaties" Warning Tag

    Junior Sergeant
    Junior Sergeant

    Name : Dan M
    Age : 43
    Location : USA
    Registration date : 2011-06-10
    Number of posts : 131

    ANA Gray Field Pants with Green "Severe Pentaties" Warning Tag Empty ANA Gray Field Pants with Green "Severe Pentaties" Warning Tag

    Post by oceanfrontguy Wed Aug 21, 2013 10:38 pm

    Picked these pants up today at a local thrift shop! They probably came from down the street where ADS is headquarted here in Virginia Beach. I cant seem to find any photos of ANA wearing gray uniforms. Were these specific to a certain unit or maybe prototypes? The green labels, especially the "severe penalties" label is pretty cool! These look a lot like Propper uniform pants but with lower calf pockets with Velcro attached.... Any ideas? These rare? And i take it the severe penalties warning is more for over there if say Taliban or someone acquired them right? Not a person in the US? Smile

    ANA Gray Field Pants with Green "Severe Pentaties" Warning Tag DSC_5571_zps18c36f7f

    ANA Gray Field Pants with Green "Severe Pentaties" Warning Tag DSC_5575_zpsaa9f7d70

    ANA Gray Field Pants with Green "Severe Pentaties" Warning Tag DSC_5576_zps4dbcbb8e

    ANA Gray Field Pants with Green "Severe Pentaties" Warning Tag DSC_5577_zps2b4261f1

    ANA Gray Field Pants with Green "Severe Pentaties" Warning Tag DSC_5572_zps9e310629

    ANA Gray Field Pants with Green "Severe Pentaties" Warning Tag DSC_5573_zpsc6ee57b7

    Registration date : 2011-07-29
    Number of posts : 1494

    ANA Gray Field Pants with Green "Severe Pentaties" Warning Tag Empty Re: ANA Gray Field Pants with Green "Severe Pentaties" Warning Tag

    Post by jimmyduncan23 Thu Aug 22, 2013 12:40 am

    Nice uniform the penalties it has on it are afghan law not US law, your safe, as far as im aware there is a lot of variations in colours for the ANP from bright blue to greyish blue as the uniform I have and to the greyness of your, but it might be a special unit issue too.
    Toasted Skittle
    Toasted Skittle

    Name : Ian
    Location : Deez.
    Registration date : 2012-07-01
    Number of posts : 74

    ANA Gray Field Pants with Green "Severe Pentaties" Warning Tag Empty Re: ANA Gray Field Pants with Green "Severe Pentaties" Warning Tag

    Post by Toasted Skittle Thu Aug 22, 2013 5:03 pm

    oceanfrontguy wrote:Picked these pants up today at a local thrift shop!
    [quote="Toasted Skittle"]WOW Lucky, wish my local thrifties carried goods like that

    oceanfrontguy wrote:I cant seem to find any photos of ANA wearing gray uniforms. Were these specific to a certain unit or maybe prototypes? The green labels, especially the "severe penalties" label is pretty cool!
    Those could be Afghan Police Trousers or maybe a cheaper ANA replacement instead of giving everyone the digital uniforms, but overall still awesome and thanks for sharing!

    Wish I could obtain one. xD


    Location : USA
    Registration date : 2012-02-26
    Number of posts : 25

    ANA Gray Field Pants with Green "Severe Pentaties" Warning Tag Empty Re: ANA Gray Field Pants with Green "Severe Pentaties" Warning Tag

    Post by squirrely Sat Aug 24, 2013 9:35 pm

    Looks quite a bit like ANP trousers.
    Junior Sergeant
    Junior Sergeant

    Name : Dan M
    Age : 43
    Location : USA
    Registration date : 2011-06-10
    Number of posts : 131

    ANA Gray Field Pants with Green "Severe Pentaties" Warning Tag Empty Re: ANA Gray Field Pants with Green "Severe Pentaties" Warning Tag

    Post by oceanfrontguy Sat Aug 24, 2013 10:40 pm

    Everyone says ANP but the tag says "ANA" on it.. . Does ANP get their uniforms from ANA?

    Location : USA
    Registration date : 2012-02-26
    Number of posts : 25

    ANA Gray Field Pants with Green "Severe Pentaties" Warning Tag Empty Re: ANA Gray Field Pants with Green "Severe Pentaties" Warning Tag

    Post by squirrely Sat Aug 24, 2013 10:49 pm

    Could be the same factory making both items - it's not unknown for manufacturers to take shortcuts if the end user isn't particularly discriminating. Unless you could find pictures of the ANA wearing them...

    Registration date : 2011-07-29
    Number of posts : 1494

    ANA Gray Field Pants with Green "Severe Pentaties" Warning Tag Empty Re: ANA Gray Field Pants with Green "Severe Pentaties" Warning Tag

    Post by jimmyduncan23 Sat Aug 24, 2013 10:53 pm

    I was thinking the same thing, same factory wrong tag, I have afghan uniform that has a shirt tag on the pants, would not think the quality control would be the best
    Toasted Skittle
    Toasted Skittle

    Name : Ian
    Location : Deez.
    Registration date : 2012-07-01
    Number of posts : 74

    ANA Gray Field Pants with Green "Severe Pentaties" Warning Tag Empty Re: ANA Gray Field Pants with Green "Severe Pentaties" Warning Tag

    Post by Toasted Skittle Sun Aug 25, 2013 6:00 am

    oceanfrontguy wrote:Everyone says ANP but the tag says "ANA" on it.. . Does ANP get their uniforms from ANA?
    Well, some Afghan Companies make uniforms for both the Police and Armed forces in the same factory, tag mix up? don't be surprised.

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    ANA Gray Field Pants with Green "Severe Pentaties" Warning Tag Empty Re: ANA Gray Field Pants with Green "Severe Pentaties" Warning Tag

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