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4 posters

    Drillichanzug (Work Uniform)


    Location : New England, US
    Registration date : 2009-03-08
    Number of posts : 6990

    Drillichanzug (Work Uniform) Empty Drillichanzug (Work Uniform)

    Post by CollectinSteve Mon Mar 10, 2014 12:04 pm

    I have finally managed to land some work uniform examples.  The uniform was worn around the barracks and under the camouflage uniform during summer exercises.

    I know for sure one is Drillichanzug 59, but I am not sure what the designations are for the other pieces.

    DAZ59 Shirt (dated 1959):

    Drillichanzug (Work Uniform) File_zps954d772b

    Drillichanzug (Work Uniform) File_zps4d131483

    GAZ59? Trousers (dated 1974):

    Drillichanzug (Work Uniform) File_zps216991d8

    Drillichanzug (Work Uniform) File_zpsd62c30f5

    Unknown work shirt (no date):

    Drillichanzug (Work Uniform) File_zps1fd4761b

    Drillichanzug (Work Uniform) File_zpsa47fcd45

    Unknown trousers in British style (dated 1984):

    Drillichanzug (Work Uniform) File_zps5c4b4ee6

    Lieutenant Colonel
    Lieutenant Colonel

    Name : A.
    Location : Austria
    Registration date : 2013-10-18
    Number of posts : 2325

    Drillichanzug (Work Uniform) Empty Re: Drillichanzug (Work Uniform)

    Post by mylle Mon Mar 10, 2014 1:43 pm

    Nice stuff!Never saw the British style trousers before!Interesting maybe tanker or helo trousers?

    Location : Austria
    Registration date : 2010-03-25
    Number of posts : 5

    Drillichanzug (Work Uniform) Empty Re: Drillichanzug (Work Uniform)

    Post by Sebi Fri Apr 18, 2014 1:35 pm

    These trousers are the old style UN Peace Keeping trousers wich where used , I believe, up to the end of the 1980ies.

    Location : New England, US
    Registration date : 2009-03-08
    Number of posts : 6990

    Drillichanzug (Work Uniform) Empty Re: Drillichanzug (Work Uniform)

    Post by CollectinSteve Sat Apr 19, 2014 2:48 am

    Hello Sebi! Thanks for the information. What type of shirt was worn with these trousers? Now that I have a context I will start to look for pictures.

    I really, really, really want to get the DAZ57 trousers and (long shot) KAZ56 uniform. Damned things are impossible to find Sad

    Lieutenant Colonel
    Lieutenant Colonel

    Name : A.
    Location : Austria
    Registration date : 2013-10-18
    Number of posts : 2325

    Drillichanzug (Work Uniform) Empty Re: Drillichanzug (Work Uniform)

    Post by mylle Sat Apr 19, 2014 5:31 am

    Yes they are hard to find even in Austria.

    Location : New England, US
    Registration date : 2009-03-08
    Number of posts : 6990

    Drillichanzug (Work Uniform) Empty Re: Drillichanzug (Work Uniform)

    Post by CollectinSteve Sun Apr 20, 2014 3:58 pm

    mylle wrote:Yes they are hard to find even in Austria.

    I know Sad I wonder why this is. The early Bundeswehr uniforms used to be very difficult to find, but in the last few years there has been a stead stream of them on eBay. They still sell for a lot of money, but they are available. I have never seen a KAZ56 uniform for sale. In fact, I don't think I've ever seen one in a collection! Same for the DAZ59 (I incorrectly wrote DAZ57 in my last post).

    As the old veterans who wore these uniforms die or move into small apartments their uniforms come onto the market. I am sure this is what is happening with early Bundeswehr uniforms. Certainly many are sold with the term Dachbodenfinden (attic find). So why is this not happening with old Austrian uniforms? Especially when the camouflage ones can be purchased by the truckload.

    It both confuses and depresses me Very Happy

    Lieutenant Colonel
    Lieutenant Colonel

    Name : A.
    Location : Austria
    Registration date : 2013-10-18
    Number of posts : 2325

    Drillichanzug (Work Uniform) Empty Re: Drillichanzug (Work Uniform)

    Post by mylle Sun Apr 20, 2014 5:45 pm

    I'm sure many are still rotting in some warehouses. They also weren't very popular (suit with a tie)among soldiers maybe that's a reason why the
    are so rare.

    As an example for Austrian Army way of surplus handling:

    During my conscript time(2007), we had to sleep in a warehouse near a military training area.
    In the warehouse there was a huge stock(around 200) of new unused sealed leather uniforms for MP motorcyclists from the 70ies.

    One of us (a biker) asked the sergeant what is going to happen with them because they looked so good.

    He said:,,Nothing they are going to be destroyed,,.

    One leather jacket costs 200 Euros-used.

    I'm sure many M56s were burnt, thrown away, forgotten, tailored into Gendarmerie uniforms or something else.

    But maybe in some time, they will recognize that they could make some money with them after 50 years laying around.... :lol


    Location : New England, US
    Registration date : 2009-03-08
    Number of posts : 6990

    Drillichanzug (Work Uniform) Empty Re: Drillichanzug (Work Uniform)

    Post by CollectinSteve Mon Apr 21, 2014 12:05 am

    We can hope Very Happy

    Do you know what the shirt is with the "HV" stamp on the chest?

    Do you have a picture of 1980s Austrian peace keepers wearing the British style trousers I have pictured above?


    Location : Austria
    Registration date : 2009-02-17
    Number of posts : 3126

    Drillichanzug (Work Uniform) Empty Re: Drillichanzug (Work Uniform)

    Post by Philip Mon Apr 21, 2014 3:22 pm

    The British style uniforms are actually known as Canadian style here in Austria

    Drillichanzug (Work Uniform) Cimg0081
    Drillichanzug (Work Uniform) Cimg0900
    Drillichanzug (Work Uniform) Cimg0899


    Location : New England, US
    Registration date : 2009-03-08
    Number of posts : 6990

    Drillichanzug (Work Uniform) Empty Re: Drillichanzug (Work Uniform)

    Post by CollectinSteve Tue Apr 22, 2014 2:38 am

    Hey Philip! Good to see you having some time to post Smile

    Thanks for the pictures, they are very helpful. If you happen to come across one of these shirts, hopefully dark color, I'd like to match it up with my trousers.


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