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    Swedish M39 wool field trousers (fältbyxor) -- shop recommendations, please


    Location : station identification
    Registration date : 2013-12-17
    Number of posts : 9

    Swedish M39 wool field trousers (fältbyxor) -- shop recommendations, please Empty Swedish M39 wool field trousers (fältbyxor) -- shop recommendations, please

    Post by duck_sick Mon May 12, 2014 4:16 pm

    i have recently discovered the swedish m39 wool field trousers as a desirable clothing item that i'd like to acquire.

    apparently, there are still many unissued / new old stock pairs available, and i'd like to know which swedish stores stock them and ship/sell abroad (i am located in germany). the pairs offered on ebay are listed for usually 60-70 euros (mostly by u.s. sellers), and i believe that in sweden they are offered for considerably lower prices. an accompanying m39 field jacket would be icing on the cake.

    my regular size for pants is european 48, thus i assume a swedish army 96 size would be the correct equivalent, no?

    thanks a lot in advance.

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