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2 posters


    Sergeant Major
    Sergeant Major

    Location : California
    Registration date : 2011-12-12
    Number of posts : 405

    Bolivian? Empty Bolivian?

    Post by Camonut314 Sat Dec 20, 2014 6:51 pm

    I have had this set for a long while now, came from one of these Thai dealers when I first started collecting. I lately had dismissed it as being just another Korean pattern because of the badges,  but after seeing Danilo 's Bolivian desert set, this set came to mind. I compared the patterns and they are pretty similar. Even the construction seems pretty spot on. Opinions?

    Bolivian? 14191110

    Bolivian? 14191111

    The tag was always a bit of a question mark for me.

    Bolivian? 14191112

    Bolivian? 14191113
    Toasted Skittle
    Toasted Skittle

    Name : Ian
    Location : Deez.
    Registration date : 2012-07-01
    Number of posts : 74

    Bolivian? Empty Re: Bolivian?

    Post by Toasted Skittle Sat Dec 20, 2014 7:25 pm

    You know, Koreans make tons of custom uniforms/patterns for many 3rd world countries. military clothing/textiles is a small but thriving Korean industry, I have some Afghan Stuff made in korea.

    so the Bolivian pattern could be Korean Industry made.
    Sergeant Major
    Sergeant Major

    Location : California
    Registration date : 2011-12-12
    Number of posts : 405

    Bolivian? Empty Re: Bolivian?

    Post by Camonut314 Sat Dec 20, 2014 10:38 pm

    Yes, that was a thought that had occurred to me, it would have been nice had Danilo ' s set had a similar tag, but I guess that would be too easy. Maybe a photograph will turn up now that I have planted the seed.

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    Bolivian? Empty Re: Bolivian?

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