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    New book: Soviet Uniform Visor Cap Markings


    Name : Randall Stewart
    Age : 70
    Location : Jacksonville, Florida
    Registration date : 2015-02-16
    Number of posts : 1

    New book: Soviet Uniform Visor Cap Markings Empty New book: Soviet Uniform Visor Cap Markings

    Post by Undertheredstar Sun Mar 01, 2015 6:08 pm

    Friends and colleagues: It is with pleasure I announce my new book: Soviet Uniform Visor Cap Markings; which documents the different manufacturers’ labels and interior markings used by Soviet industry on military and civilian uniform visor caps of the Cold War period (1945-1991). Sourcing original Soviet documentation and reflecting personal observation of hundreds of caps, this book provides the first comprehensive illustration of such markings in any language. Examples of all markings are pictured, Russian/Ukrainian text and abbreviations are explained and a full English translation of each provided. Histories of the primary headdress manufacturers, along with known dates of use for each manufacturer’s label/stamp variant are also recorded. Since interior markings are often heavily worn and largely illegible, this book will help collectors date and fully identify the origin of their caps. And because interior markings serve as a primary means of determining cap authenticity, the reader can more readily detect fakes and reproductions.

    Anyone wanting to own a copy of this unique 93-page, 6 x 9 inch format, paperback book can either order it from my website: www.undertheredstar.com or purchase it directly from Amazon.com or one of its European counterparts (Amazon.co.uk, Amazon.it, Amazon.fr, Amazon.de and Amazon.es). Cost is $24.99 or its national equivalent off my site using PAYPAL but Amazon is running a 25% off sale now. Samples of interior pages can also be seen on my website.

      Current date/time is Sun Sep 08, 2024 3:38 am