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    SOVIET book on possibly weapons trajectory or ???.....not entirely sure


    Name : Steven
    Location : Kentucky, USA
    Registration date : 2009-02-12
    Number of posts : 2099

    SOVIET book on possibly weapons trajectory or ???.....not entirely sure Empty SOVIET book on possibly weapons trajectory or ???.....not entirely sure

    Post by bond007a1 Mon Mar 02, 2009 7:36 pm

    SOVIET book on possibly weapons trajectory or ???.....not entirely sure Ussrbook6a

    SOVIET book on possibly weapons trajectory or ???.....not entirely sure Ussrbook6b

    SOVIET book on possibly weapons trajectory or ???.....not entirely sure Ussrbook6c

    SOVIET book on possibly weapons trajectory or ???.....not entirely sure Ussrbook6d

    SOVIET book on possibly weapons trajectory or ???.....not entirely sure Ussrbook6e

    SOVIET book on possibly weapons trajectory or ???.....not entirely sure Ussrbook6f

    SOVIET book on possibly weapons trajectory or ???.....not entirely sure Ussrbook6g

    SOVIET book on possibly weapons trajectory or ???.....not entirely sure Ussrbook6h

    always looking for combat-used desert uniforms

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