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    Interesting vz. 60 jacket - one of the first models


    Location : Slovakia
    Registration date : 2015-05-06
    Number of posts : 252

    Interesting vz. 60 jacket - one of the first models Empty Interesting vz. 60 jacket - one of the first models

    Post by Thibir Mon Jun 15, 2015 12:54 pm

    Recently I went through my fathers old stuff in the locker and found one needles jacket which is quite different than all other jackets I saw. Naturally I was thinking that it is either Ministry of Interior (Border guards, SNB - Police) or para version. Than I spend an evening digging through ČSĽA (Czechoslovak peoples army) living history forum and found out that this jacket is standard army jacket, just early model.

    The difference is the elastic band in the waist and also elastic cuffs inside arms. They seem to be designed to prevent air/wind going up the jacket - so that is why I thought about either paras or police (motorbike).

    As it turns out both these features are NBC protection measures. As ridiculously as it sounds it was designed to prevent radioactive fallout from entering inside of the jacket. Somebody quickly found out, that in event of nuclear holocaust this piece of cloth would be quite useless so all jacket produced after 1960s don´t have it.

    I am sharing it to prevent somebody buying jacket like this as an para version.

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    Lieutenant Colonel
    Lieutenant Colonel

    Name : Alex
    Location : Austria
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    Interesting vz. 60 jacket - one of the first models Empty Re: Interesting vz. 60 jacket - one of the first models

    Post by mylle Mon Jun 15, 2015 2:20 pm

    Very nice jacket, thanks for the detail pics.Old school Warsaw pact stuff just roxxx. Wink

    Location : New England, US
    Registration date : 2009-03-08
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    Interesting vz. 60 jacket - one of the first models Empty Re: Interesting vz. 60 jacket - one of the first models

    Post by CollectinSteve Mon Jun 15, 2015 2:26 pm

    Very nice one!  We've had some discussions about the large number of variants of Jelici uniforms, including those for Border Guards, Police (IIRC), and females (my one and only camouflage skirt Wink).

    The elastic for the sleeves and waist is the same as the Mlok uniform that came before it.  It is not to block out wind (as you correctly found out), but to block out biological and chemical agents. I had not heard "radiation" before, but it is just as stupid as thinking some cotton is going to block bio or chemical any more than it could radiation Wink Once I hears this news it made sense to me because if it were for airborne the waist is useless.  It would be along the lower hem, not half way up. So it's not useful for blocking wind either!

    Lieutenant Colonel
    Lieutenant Colonel

    Location : Canada
    Registration date : 2010-05-22
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    Interesting vz. 60 jacket - one of the first models Empty Re: Interesting vz. 60 jacket - one of the first models

    Post by koalorka Fri Jun 19, 2015 12:45 am

    Very nice. I've got such an early jacket from 1965 and didn't realize they modified the later jackets, so I assumed they all shared the same internal features.

    Mine does not have the cross swords on the stamp however.

    Location : Slovakia
    Registration date : 2015-05-06
    Number of posts : 252

    Interesting vz. 60 jacket - one of the first models Empty Re: Interesting vz. 60 jacket - one of the first models

    Post by Thibir Fri Jun 19, 2015 2:17 am

    koalorka wrote:Mine does not have the cross swords on the stamp however.

    If it has two chest pockets it is Ministry of interior jacket used by border guards, SNB (police) and prison guards.
    Lieutenant Colonel
    Lieutenant Colonel

    Location : Canada
    Registration date : 2010-05-22
    Number of posts : 1733

    Interesting vz. 60 jacket - one of the first models Empty Re: Interesting vz. 60 jacket - one of the first models

    Post by koalorka Sat Jun 27, 2015 11:35 pm

    I do have the SNB style tunic as well. Here are some photos of my 1965 set:

    Interesting vz. 60 jacket - one of the first models I8RCuu

    Interesting vz. 60 jacket - one of the first models SehwVo

    And the same cut in "Mlok":

    Interesting vz. 60 jacket - one of the first models NHDxsz

    Interesting vz. 60 jacket - one of the first models E2xgrC

    IIRC, the set I traded with Steve had wooden toggles on the waist cinch, so perhaps earlier still.

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    Interesting vz. 60 jacket - one of the first models Empty Re: Interesting vz. 60 jacket - one of the first models

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