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    German Service Shirt, Badged


    Location : New England, US
    Registration date : 2009-03-08
    Number of posts : 6993

    German Service Shirt, Badged Empty German Service Shirt, Badged

    Post by CollectinSteve Thu Jun 04, 2009 1:55 am

    Here is an unissued service shirt (Diensthemd) of the Bundesheer. Specifically for an Infantry (green loops) Feldwebel (rank slides). There should be red loops on this shirt indicating Artillery Personnel. I've fixed that since I took the picture Very Happy

    The qualification badges over the right breast are for Army Administration, Silver, (Heersdienst) and Artillery Personnel, Gold (Rohrwaffenpersonal).

    The badge on the left breast pocket is the Sports Badge, Gold (Leistungen im Truppendienst).

    This is a "maxed out" badged shirt. German Army regulations only allow two qualification badges to be worn over the right pocket, one of which can be foreign. The Sports Badge is the only thing allowed to be worn on the left side other than the soldier's name.

    The interesting thing about this shirt is that it was made in 1991, which is overlaps with the introduction of Flecktarn and the dropping of this type of shirt from service by one year. It is not uncommon for such overlaps to exist when major uniform changes happen, but for me this is the latest date I've seen for a non-Flectarn piece.


    German Service Shirt, Badged IMG_5345

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