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2 posters

    Wanted: Estonian "Green Woodland - ttsko" trousers


    Location : EU
    Registration date : 2012-11-20
    Number of posts : 945

    Wanted: Estonian "Green Woodland - ttsko" trousers Empty Wanted: Estonian "Green Woodland - ttsko" trousers

    Post by dynamo.alex Sat Apr 02, 2016 5:56 am

    Hello all,

    as the title states I am looking for a pair of estonian green woodland / "green ttsko" (mid to late 90's style) trousers in size 52/5, 54/5 or 52/4, 54/4 ... to match my estonian jacket ...

    Thank you ...

    Location : New England, US
    Registration date : 2009-03-08
    Number of posts : 6990

    Wanted: Estonian "Green Woodland - ttsko" trousers Empty Re: Wanted: Estonian "Green Woodland - ttsko" trousers

    Post by CollectinSteve Sun Apr 03, 2016 9:15 pm

    Hi Alex,

    You should post a picture of your jacket. There are several types and the trousers are specific to the type.


    Location : EU
    Registration date : 2012-11-20
    Number of posts : 945

    Wanted: Estonian "Green Woodland - ttsko" trousers Empty Re: Wanted: Estonian "Green Woodland - ttsko" trousers

    Post by dynamo.alex Mon Apr 04, 2016 8:11 am

    That's an excellent if not splendid idea Steve ... (I was under the impression that I already did so, but ... nope ... - @ Admins: where is the "facepalm" or "double facepalm" emoticons?)

    so here you all go:

    It is the one with the sleeve pocket (closed by velcro) on the left sleeve and the "flap - held by two buttons" on the right sleeve (can anyone enlighten me what this is for, please?) ... all front pockets close by buttons, and these btw. are made of a dark grey-ish/brown plastic ...

    Wanted: Estonian "Green Woodland - ttsko" trousers WP_003212_zpst7ucnoxi
    Wanted: Estonian "Green Woodland - ttsko" trousers WP_003217_zpswmwjf0zs
    Wanted: Estonian "Green Woodland - ttsko" trousers WP_003216_zpsqiq5nvly
    Wanted: Estonian "Green Woodland - ttsko" trousers WP_003213_zps4l2zg1on
    Wanted: Estonian "Green Woodland - ttsko" trousers WP_003215_zpssy8amhwy

    thank you Smile

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    Wanted: Estonian "Green Woodland - ttsko" trousers Empty Re: Wanted: Estonian "Green Woodland - ttsko" trousers

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