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3 posters

    JSDF Jeitai Uniform + Helmet Cover, Webbing and Cap

    Senior Sergeant
    Senior Sergeant

    Name : Andreas
    Age : 51
    Location : Germany
    Registration date : 2014-11-27
    Number of posts : 330

    JSDF  Jeitai Uniform + Helmet Cover, Webbing and Cap Empty JSDF Jeitai Uniform + Helmet Cover, Webbing and Cap

    Post by metal73 Sat Jun 04, 2016 7:33 am

    Found this cool Japanese Jeitai Uniform + Helmet Cover, Webbing and Cap Very Happy

    JSDF  Jeitai Uniform + Helmet Cover, Webbing and Cap 01_zpse1s8xepu
    JSDF  Jeitai Uniform + Helmet Cover, Webbing and Cap 02_zpsqmb8gpod
    JSDF  Jeitai Uniform + Helmet Cover, Webbing and Cap 03_zpsrqhccyze
    JSDF  Jeitai Uniform + Helmet Cover, Webbing and Cap 04_zpsgsizurtw
    JSDF  Jeitai Uniform + Helmet Cover, Webbing and Cap 05_zpsikbpeonh
    JSDF  Jeitai Uniform + Helmet Cover, Webbing and Cap 06_zpsitaejamh
    JSDF  Jeitai Uniform + Helmet Cover, Webbing and Cap 07_zpswmklgilj
    JSDF  Jeitai Uniform + Helmet Cover, Webbing and Cap 08_zpsdcymdwqi
    JSDF  Jeitai Uniform + Helmet Cover, Webbing and Cap 09_zpsv23hxmur

    Location : PRC
    Registration date : 2014-06-08
    Number of posts : 2

    JSDF  Jeitai Uniform + Helmet Cover, Webbing and Cap Empty Re: JSDF Jeitai Uniform + Helmet Cover, Webbing and Cap

    Post by SentouYoui Thu Jun 09, 2016 3:24 am

    Looks like someone went shopping at S&Graf or some other PX, it's nice quality but not genuine issue
    Senior Sergeant
    Senior Sergeant

    Name : Andreas
    Age : 51
    Location : Germany
    Registration date : 2014-11-27
    Number of posts : 330

    JSDF  Jeitai Uniform + Helmet Cover, Webbing and Cap Empty Re: JSDF Jeitai Uniform + Helmet Cover, Webbing and Cap

    Post by metal73 Thu Jun 09, 2016 7:58 am

    This is not a genuine issue? Do you think the whole issue or only the webbing?

    Location : PRC
    Registration date : 2014-06-08
    Number of posts : 2

    JSDF  Jeitai Uniform + Helmet Cover, Webbing and Cap Empty Re: JSDF Jeitai Uniform + Helmet Cover, Webbing and Cap

    Post by SentouYoui Thu Jun 09, 2016 1:29 pm

    From what I can see, all of it is PX "copy", most issued items will have a label with a lot of writing on it, it will say 陸上自衛隊 (Rikujou Jieitai = GSDF) on it, also judging by the fabric of the uniform, it doesn't look issued. The real fabric is more grainy and matt in texture, this one is smoother and shinier, I wager it is an S&Graf replica Type 3 Work Uniform.

    The flag on the uniform is made of cloth, the JGSDF only issues flags for overseas deployment and training purposes, and the issued flag is made of leather.

    This gear is very common in Japan amongst airsofters, indeed most of my JGSDF collection is made up of the exact same stuff.

    Sorry to rain on your parade.
    Senior Sergeant
    Senior Sergeant

    Name : Andreas
    Age : 51
    Location : Germany
    Registration date : 2014-11-27
    Number of posts : 330

    JSDF  Jeitai Uniform + Helmet Cover, Webbing and Cap Empty Re: JSDF Jeitai Uniform + Helmet Cover, Webbing and Cap

    Post by metal73 Fri Jun 10, 2016 10:31 am

    No problem mate Very Happy Thank you very much for your information.

    Location : USA
    Registration date : 2012-12-29
    Number of posts : 2846

    JSDF  Jeitai Uniform + Helmet Cover, Webbing and Cap Empty Re: JSDF Jeitai Uniform + Helmet Cover, Webbing and Cap

    Post by ripcord Fri Jun 10, 2016 11:48 am

    This is genuine JGSDF issue..

                                                           JSDF  Jeitai Uniform + Helmet Cover, Webbing and Cap Jgsdf_10


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    JSDF  Jeitai Uniform + Helmet Cover, Webbing and Cap Empty Re: JSDF Jeitai Uniform + Helmet Cover, Webbing and Cap

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