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    Swiss TAZ 90 Short Sleeve Shirt (Kosovo issue)


    Location : California, United States
    Registration date : 2015-05-29
    Number of posts : 54

    Swiss TAZ 90 Short Sleeve Shirt (Kosovo issue) Empty Swiss TAZ 90 Short Sleeve Shirt (Kosovo issue)

    Post by Ghoward2 Thu Jun 09, 2016 5:13 am

    So since this has been confirmed legitimate, I figure I'll post it in the Switzerland board.

    Here's a short-sleeved version of the Kosovo issue shirt. From what I have heard and seen, there are both short and long sleeve versions so this one has not been modified.
    Unfortunately, mine is missing the "Switzerland" patch on the shoulder.

    Swiss TAZ 90 Short Sleeve Shirt (Kosovo issue) Nn4M9Xn
    Swiss TAZ 90 Short Sleeve Shirt (Kosovo issue) LzhRyK7

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