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    Beware of FOSTEX GARMENTS items, especially "All Weather"


    Location : New England, US
    Registration date : 2009-03-08
    Number of posts : 6990

    Beware of FOSTEX GARMENTS items, especially "All Weather" Empty Beware of FOSTEX GARMENTS items, especially "All Weather"

    Post by CollectinSteve Fri Aug 05, 2016 1:11 am

    Best I can tell this is a company out of Poland that makes US BDU type items with good looking tags that have US contractor numbers on them. Which is, obviously, a big legal no-no and that's why it's so rarely seen. Compare these items and you'll see the same exact label:


    Now look at these items on eBay:


    They caught my attention and I asked the seller for labels. He sent me pics and initially I thought the trousers might be some sort of experimental model from 1975 (as the contract number states). Why? Because believe it or not there is an experimental OD set from 1975 which is what eventually led to the Transitional type and then M81 BDU. So I thought I had something pretty sweet in my sights! But the jacket was dated 1982 (which is correct for that style) and that got me suspicious because the manufacture name is the same. The 1982 example, if it were to exist, would hardly be likely to have the same obscure company name as 1975 trousers.

    Just goes to show that even an old hand like me can be fooled (if only briefly) by well done fakes. On eBay being fooled briefly is often times long enough to land something that turns out to be junk!


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