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8 posters

    Some of my clothing/ uniform items

    Sergeant Major
    Sergeant Major

    Name : Mike Fincher
    Age : 70
    Location : Lincolnshire United Kingdom
    Registration date : 2016-12-07
    Number of posts : 441

    Some of my clothing/ uniform items Empty Some of my clothing/ uniform items

    Post by Antarmike Sat Dec 17, 2016 6:10 am

    Some of my clothing/ uniform items DSCF4951_zpszso5tll7
    Some of my clothing/ uniform items DSCF4969_zpsyoaebmbo
    Some of my clothing/ uniform items DSCF4999_zpscmwhdq3y
    Some of my clothing/ uniform items DSCF5001_zps8jmuesz0
    Sergeant Major
    Sergeant Major

    Name : Mike Fincher
    Age : 70
    Location : Lincolnshire United Kingdom
    Registration date : 2016-12-07
    Number of posts : 441

    Some of my clothing/ uniform items Empty Re: Some of my clothing/ uniform items

    Post by Antarmike Sat Dec 17, 2016 7:39 am

    Half Zip Moon and Balls with quilted vest
    Some of my clothing/ uniform items DSCF4948_zpsmrp9ltya
    Some of my clothing/ uniform items DSCF4947_zpsctcnbfyc
    Full Zipped Moon and balls
    Some of my clothing/ uniform items DSCF5008_zpswbarvil5
    Some of my clothing/ uniform items DSCF4949_zpsycfmowc4
    Moon and Balls over trousers
    Some of my clothing/ uniform items DSCF4952_zpsobt27mkd
    Some of my clothing/ uniform items DSCF4953_zpsp4s9ojyg
    Full zipped Brush stroke (with Hood)
    Some of my clothing/ uniform items DSCF4955_zps2vzb5sdd
    Some of my clothing/ uniform items DSCF4954_zpseqxj3bj9
    Half Zipped Brush stroke
    Some of my clothing/ uniform items DSCF4964_zps3m2i5r7v
    Some of my clothing/ uniform items DSCF4963_zpsz6w9hqxy
    Brush stroke over trousers
    [/url]Some of my clothing/ uniform items DSCF4957_zpsnge9gefr
    Some of my clothing/ uniform items DSCF4956_zps6m94jku4
    Sergeant Major
    Sergeant Major

    Name : Mike Fincher
    Age : 70
    Location : Lincolnshire United Kingdom
    Registration date : 2016-12-07
    Number of posts : 441

    Some of my clothing/ uniform items Empty Re: Some of my clothing/ uniform items

    Post by Antarmike Sat Dec 17, 2016 8:18 am

    Buttoned front Jigsaw Smock
    Some of my clothing/ uniform items DSCF4958_zpsx8sijdv0
    Some of my clothing/ uniform items DSCF4959_zpsw3syh75o
    Some of my clothing/ uniform items DSCF4960_zpsibjurdmx
    Zipped front Jigsaw smock
    Some of my clothing/ uniform items DSCF4968_zpspes9bmov
    Some of my clothing/ uniform items DSCF4967_zpsrefvcupq
    Navy jigsaw over trousers
    Some of my clothing/ uniform items DSCF4962_zps2eezpvuf
    Some of my clothing/ uniform items DSCF4961_zpsajt2lk92
    Sergeant Major
    Sergeant Major

    Name : Mike Fincher
    Age : 70
    Location : Lincolnshire United Kingdom
    Registration date : 2016-12-07
    Number of posts : 441

    Some of my clothing/ uniform items Empty Re: Some of my clothing/ uniform items

    Post by Antarmike Sat Dec 17, 2016 8:25 am

    Woolen trousers
    Some of my clothing/ uniform items DSCF4965_zpsru7qawe2
    Some of my clothing/ uniform items DSCF4966_zpsyhewxse6
    Sergeant Major
    Sergeant Major

    Name : Mike Fincher
    Age : 70
    Location : Lincolnshire United Kingdom
    Registration date : 2016-12-07
    Number of posts : 441

    Some of my clothing/ uniform items Empty Re: Some of my clothing/ uniform items

    Post by Antarmike Sat Dec 17, 2016 8:56 am

    Woolen Trench Coat
    Some of my clothing/ uniform items DSCF4970_zpsdtzfwco8
    Some of my clothing/ uniform items DSCF4972_zpshmlb8jwq

    Name : Andrew
    Location : Canada
    Registration date : 2014-01-18
    Number of posts : 1409

    Some of my clothing/ uniform items Empty Re: Some of my clothing/ uniform items

    Post by Wolverine Sat Dec 17, 2016 9:26 am

    Beautiful stuff - the woolen trousers are new to me.
    Sergeant Major
    Sergeant Major

    Name : Mike Fincher
    Age : 70
    Location : Lincolnshire United Kingdom
    Registration date : 2016-12-07
    Number of posts : 441

    Some of my clothing/ uniform items Empty Re: Some of my clothing/ uniform items

    Post by Antarmike Sat Dec 17, 2016 10:31 am

    Artillery Uniform
    Some of my clothing/ uniform items DSCF4974_zpsjfbutrpo
    all arms badge
    Some of my clothing/ uniform items DSCF4975_zpsex0zybe5
    Some of my clothing/ uniform items DSCF4976_zpsqpj7nuqo
    Some of my clothing/ uniform items DSCF4977_zpsrzwayzyb
    Transmissie troupe
    Some of my clothing/ uniform items DSCF4978_zpswrvaiuwt
    Some of my clothing/ uniform items DSCF4979_zps2ko1jcn3
    Some of my clothing/ uniform items DSCF4980_zpsgcveryd2
    Good driver and Northag patches
    Some of my clothing/ uniform items DSCF4981_zpsaezl6jaf
    Some of my clothing/ uniform items DSCF4982_zpsirygmijf
    Some of my clothing/ uniform items DSCF4983_zpsycvn4vfa
    Sergeant Major
    Sergeant Major

    Name : Mike Fincher
    Age : 70
    Location : Lincolnshire United Kingdom
    Registration date : 2016-12-07
    Number of posts : 441

    Some of my clothing/ uniform items Empty Re: Some of my clothing/ uniform items

    Post by Antarmike Sat Dec 17, 2016 10:34 am

    RBAF Jerkin 1949
    Some of my clothing/ uniform items DSCF4984_zpscxxffkcq
    Some of my clothing/ uniform items DSCF4985_zps2u1z60yj
    Some of my clothing/ uniform items DSCF4986_zpspmw4ni7p
    ABL Jerkin I can read a 1952 date, but cannot make out the manufacturer.
    Some of my clothing/ uniform items DSCF4987_zpsjxcbntdc
    Some of my clothing/ uniform items DSCF4988_zpsjbnskyz1
    Sergeant Major
    Sergeant Major

    Name : Mike Fincher
    Age : 70
    Location : Lincolnshire United Kingdom
    Registration date : 2016-12-07
    Number of posts : 441

    Some of my clothing/ uniform items Empty Re: Some of my clothing/ uniform items

    Post by Antarmike Sat Dec 17, 2016 1:15 pm

    Some more modern stuff,  My cut off date is 1995, the year my Minerva was struck off charge from the ABL
    Some of my clothing/ uniform items DSCF4989_zpsc49tzcph
    I suspect the cap may be post 95.
    Some of my clothing/ uniform items DSCF4990_zpsqtk7volb
    Some of my clothing/ uniform items DSCF4991_zpsrovkm3ew
    Some of my clothing/ uniform items DSCF4994_zpshzi9s06r
    Some of my clothing/ uniform items DSCF4993_zpswlc2yhy8

    Some of my clothing/ uniform items DSCF4992_zpsnwzqfefv
    Some of my clothing/ uniform items DSCF4995_zps0shqi4d2
    Some of my clothing/ uniform items DSCF4996_zpsiflhlaeu
    Some of my clothing/ uniform items DSCF4997_zpsstfwkarz

    Location : New England, US
    Registration date : 2009-03-08
    Number of posts : 7008

    Some of my clothing/ uniform items Empty Re: Some of my clothing/ uniform items

    Post by CollectinSteve Sat Dec 17, 2016 2:10 pm

    Wow! Awesome stuff! Oddly enough, the one that excited me the most is the 1957 winter liner! I don't specifically look for items like that, but I've certainly not run across any. Your Navy Jigsaw trousers are certainly not easy to find, nor is the general issue 1962 Jigsaw jacket.

    Sergeant Major
    Sergeant Major

    Name : Mike Fincher
    Age : 70
    Location : Lincolnshire United Kingdom
    Registration date : 2016-12-07
    Number of posts : 441

    Some of my clothing/ uniform items Empty Re: Some of my clothing/ uniform items

    Post by Antarmike Sat Dec 17, 2016 2:47 pm

    CollectinSteve wrote:Wow!  Awesome stuff!  Oddly enough, the one that excited me the most is the 1957 winter liner!  I don't specifically look for items like that, but I've certainly not run across any.  Your Navy Jigsaw trousers are certainly not easy to find, nor is the general issue 1962 Jigsaw jacket.

    When I get a moment I will dig the quilted vest out and photograph it on its own.

    I assumed it was for keeping warm in aircraft, and during a parachute jump. I thought it was for para commando type usage rather than general winter clothing
    Sergeant Major
    Sergeant Major

    Name : Mike Fincher
    Age : 70
    Location : Lincolnshire United Kingdom
    Registration date : 2016-12-07
    Number of posts : 441

    Some of my clothing/ uniform items Empty Re: Some of my clothing/ uniform items

    Post by Antarmike Sat Feb 11, 2017 6:16 am

    Latest addition

    Some of my clothing/ uniform items S-l1600_zpsqmthjvyp
    Some of my clothing/ uniform items S-l1600%201_zpsetupg9mq
    Some of my clothing/ uniform items S-l1600%202_zps2k9kivg6
    Sergeant Major
    Sergeant Major

    Name : Mike Fincher
    Age : 70
    Location : Lincolnshire United Kingdom
    Registration date : 2016-12-07
    Number of posts : 441

    Some of my clothing/ uniform items Empty Re: Some of my clothing/ uniform items

    Post by Antarmike Sat Feb 11, 2017 7:04 am

    16de Pantserdivisie
    Some of my clothing/ uniform items DSCF5184_zpshoivjy8c
    Some of my clothing/ uniform items DSCF5185_zpsaweltn1j
    Some of my clothing/ uniform items DSCF5186_zpsngglazct
    Some of my clothing/ uniform items DSCF5187_zpstesq8zgz
    Transmission troupe
    Some of my clothing/ uniform items DSCF5188_zpsstdxlxgt
    Some of my clothing/ uniform items DSCF5189_zpshtm2ptol
    Sergeant Major
    Sergeant Major

    Name : Mike Fincher
    Age : 70
    Location : Lincolnshire United Kingdom
    Registration date : 2016-12-07
    Number of posts : 441

    Some of my clothing/ uniform items Empty Re: Some of my clothing/ uniform items

    Post by Antarmike Sat Mar 04, 2017 6:27 pm

    Continuing the 16 de pantserdivisie theme........

    Some of my clothing/ uniform items DSCF5233_zps0m9dxwfq
    Some of my clothing/ uniform items DSCF5236_zpsrwpjvpoh
    Breloque/ Borsthanger for 16 Pantser Divisie
    Sergeant Major
    Sergeant Major

    Location : California
    Registration date : 2011-12-12
    Number of posts : 412

    Some of my clothing/ uniform items Empty Re: Some of my clothing/ uniform items

    Post by Camonut314 Tue Mar 07, 2017 1:06 pm

    Don't know why, but the jerkin with the airforce buttons turns me on Smile
    Sergeant Major
    Sergeant Major

    Name : Mike Fincher
    Age : 70
    Location : Lincolnshire United Kingdom
    Registration date : 2016-12-07
    Number of posts : 441

    Some of my clothing/ uniform items Empty Re: Some of my clothing/ uniform items

    Post by Antarmike Sun Mar 19, 2017 7:02 pm

    Cold weather cap
    Some of my clothing/ uniform items DSCF5260_zps3orfkkxq
    Some of my clothing/ uniform items DSCF5261_zpssvpbeiaa
    Jigsaw Boonie
    Some of my clothing/ uniform items DSCF5262_zpspybb8cga
    Some of my clothing/ uniform items DSCF5263_zpsy4oyzfyf
    U.N. Boonie
    Some of my clothing/ uniform items DSCF5264_zpsngd3z1ex
    Sergeant Major
    Sergeant Major

    Name : Mike Fincher
    Age : 70
    Location : Lincolnshire United Kingdom
    Registration date : 2016-12-07
    Number of posts : 441

    Some of my clothing/ uniform items Empty Re: Some of my clothing/ uniform items

    Post by Antarmike Sun Mar 19, 2017 7:17 pm

    Light weight shirt
    Some of my clothing/ uniform items DSCF5265_zpsuyotp36x
    Some of my clothing/ uniform items DSCF5266_zpsypgrrpqj
    And another
    Some of my clothing/ uniform items DSCF5267_zps6rmtuhq7
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    Some of my clothing/ uniform items DSCF5269_zps1pwi8ktq
    Leightweight Trousers?
    Some of my clothing/ uniform items DSCF5270_zps7xbyjo1c
    Some of my clothing/ uniform items DSCF5271_zpsqqags9zy
    Some of my clothing/ uniform items DSCF5272_zpsvav6otnd
    Some of my clothing/ uniform items DSCF5250_zpswdkgwnr4

    Last edited by Antarmike on Sun Mar 19, 2017 8:18 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Name : JIM
    Age : 73
    Location : Australia
    Registration date : 2017-02-03
    Number of posts : 221

    Some of my clothing/ uniform items Empty Re: Some of my clothing/ uniform items

    Post by Camo-collector1951 Sun Mar 19, 2017 7:20 pm

    Hi Antarmike, It seems no one commented on your military vehicles in early posts, and I don't know if there is a section on the forum for vehicles either camo or OD. Looks like some good vehicles there.
    regards Jim.

    Location : New England, US
    Registration date : 2009-03-08
    Number of posts : 7008

    Some of my clothing/ uniform items Empty Re: Some of my clothing/ uniform items

    Post by CollectinSteve Sun Mar 19, 2017 7:42 pm

    The lightweight sets are known as "jungle" or "poplin". They were issued to Belgian units serving in Africa from the 1980s into the mid 1990s. Newest production date I've seen is 1995. In addition to the shirt and trousers there is a brassard. Headgear was either a blue UN helmet or beret.

    For a time it was the only camouflage uniform worn by regular Belgian personnel (Airforce included). They didn't last very long in the field, so finding good used ones is difficult.

    Separate from this there was a special poplin trousers issued to Para/Commandos. It has baggy pockets on the thighs and also on the calves (total of 8 pockets). This predates the standard set above by quite a bit, first being made in 1972 IIRC. No tops were made as the jump smocks were worn with the trousers.

    Extremely rare examples of the Para/Commando trousers in poplin Brush camouflage exist. I've only seen a couple (I have one). There's also a heavier weight version of the Para/Commando trousers in Jigsaw, which is also quite rare.

    Sergeant Major
    Sergeant Major

    Name : Mike Fincher
    Age : 70
    Location : Lincolnshire United Kingdom
    Registration date : 2016-12-07
    Number of posts : 441

    Some of my clothing/ uniform items Empty Re: Some of my clothing/ uniform items

    Post by Antarmike Sun Mar 19, 2017 7:57 pm

    Camo-collector1951 wrote:Hi Antarmike, It seems no one commented on your military vehicles in early posts, and I don't know if there is a section on the forum for vehicles either camo or OD. Looks like some good vehicles there.
    regards Jim.  

    If there is a section I haven't found it yet! Out and about with the Minerva......

    Some of my clothing/ uniform items DSC_5217_zpspyibcm6r
    Sergeant Major
    Sergeant Major

    Name : Mike Fincher
    Age : 70
    Location : Lincolnshire United Kingdom
    Registration date : 2016-12-07
    Number of posts : 441

    Some of my clothing/ uniform items Empty Re: Some of my clothing/ uniform items

    Post by Antarmike Sun Mar 19, 2017 8:03 pm

    Nor do we seem to have any specific military radio section...
    Some of my clothing/ uniform items DSCF5253_zpsjmsiydql
    Some of my clothing/ uniform items DSCF5255_zpslwzbta1q
    Working AN/GRC-9 (angry nine) recently replaced a non working BC 1306
    Sergeant Major
    Sergeant Major

    Name : Mike Fincher
    Age : 70
    Location : Lincolnshire United Kingdom
    Registration date : 2016-12-07
    Number of posts : 441

    Some of my clothing/ uniform items Empty Re: Some of my clothing/ uniform items

    Post by Antarmike Sun Mar 19, 2017 8:08 pm

    CollectinSteve wrote:The lightweight sets are known as "jungle" or "poplin".  They were issued to Belgian units serving in Africa from the 1980s into the mid 1990s.  Newest production date I've seen is 1995.  In addition to the shirt and trousers there is a brassard.  Headgear was either a blue UN helmet or beret.

    For a time it was the only camouflage uniform worn by regular Belgian personnel (Airforce included).  They didn't last very long in the field, so finding good used ones is difficult.

    Separate from this there was a special poplin trousers issued to Para/Commandos.  It has baggy pockets on the thighs and also on the calves (total of 8 pockets).  This predates the standard set above by quite a bit, first being made in 1972 IIRC.  No tops were made as the jump smocks were worn with the trousers.

    Extremely rare examples of the Para/Commando trousers in poplin Brush camouflage exist.  I've only seen a couple (I have one).  There's also a heavier weight version of the Para/Commando trousers in Jigsaw, which is also quite rare.


    Thanks for the background.....

    Sergeant Major
    Sergeant Major

    Name : Mike Fincher
    Age : 70
    Location : Lincolnshire United Kingdom
    Registration date : 2016-12-07
    Number of posts : 441

    Some of my clothing/ uniform items Empty Re: Some of my clothing/ uniform items

    Post by Antarmike Sun Mar 19, 2017 8:11 pm

    No do we seem to have a dedicated weapons section Smile

    Some of my clothing/ uniform items DSCF5284_zpsdvdgxvrb
    Junior Lieutenant
    Junior Lieutenant

    Location : usa.TN
    Registration date : 2010-05-02
    Number of posts : 674

    Some of my clothing/ uniform items Empty Re: Some of my clothing/ uniform items

    Post by vicka1971 Sun Mar 19, 2017 8:49 pm

    Hi there, Very nice . I love it. Just small note. The first photo with berets. Paracommandos beret should be maroon to not dark green.Best regards,Vitalis
    Sergeant Major
    Sergeant Major

    Name : Mike Fincher
    Age : 70
    Location : Lincolnshire United Kingdom
    Registration date : 2016-12-07
    Number of posts : 441

    Some of my clothing/ uniform items Empty Re: Some of my clothing/ uniform items

    Post by Antarmike Sun Mar 19, 2017 8:58 pm

    vicka1971 wrote:Hi there, Very nice . I love it. Just small note. The first photo with berets. Paracommandos beret should be maroon to not dark green.Best regards,Vitalis
    The 2nd Commando Battalion is a military formation of the Belgian Army and part of the Paracommando Regiment. Its regimental traditions, including the name "Commando" and the green beret, were adopted from the Belgian soldiers who served in No. 10 (Inter-Allied) Commando during the Second World War.
    .......  Or so I am told.

    Reformation 2003
    The brigade was disbanded in 2003 and replaced with the new Immediate Reaction Cell (IRC) which now groups all airborne personnel into three airborne infantry battalions, but does away with the independent support units typical of a brigade structure. Support units have been re-attached to regular battalions, but have retained some airborne capacity. The IRC has its headquarters in Heverlee. The three remaining airborne infantry battalions are located as follows:

    1 Paratroop Battalion in Diest disbanded on 1 July 2011 and its troops distributed between the other two brigades)
    2nd Commando Battalion in Flawinne
    3 Paratroop Battalion in Tielen

    Although these battalions refer to either paratroopers or commandos, all troops have received the same training and perform the same duties. Individual battalion traditions cause units to have different designators, beret colours and insignia. 2 COMMANDO and Paracommando Field Artillery wear green berets, 1 PARA, 3 PARA and the Guides RECCE Squadron wear maroon berets, inspired by the ancient Greek Spartans, which symbolise their dedication, loyalty, physical and mental fitness and will to fight.

    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Green_beret  where read "The Belgian 2nd Commando Battalion inherited the green beret along with other traditions from the 4th Troop of No.10 Commando.  While members of the Belgian 3rd Parachute Battalion have gone through the same training as 2nd Commando, including the commando course, they wear maroon berets instead of green ones."

    The Beret is not dark green which would be correct for Belgian medical Component,  It is Green. as worn by 2 commando and Paracommando Field Artillery and the Commando Training Centre.  The Chasseurs Ardennais wear an Olive Greeen beret.  I think the artificial lighting under which the photo was taken, my camera and the display screen you are using leads you to think the beret is dark green, it is not it is the correct green. AFAIK.

    Thanks for you input but I feel you are wrong.

    I do admit the Transmission Troup beret badge is currently on the wrong colour beret, That should be on a grey beret.  Had you pointed that out I would have to admit you were right., but as yet I have not come across a suitable grey beret .  ( might put a Royal Military Academy on this beret)  and 16 Pantser Infantry should arguably be on a black beret.


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