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    French Air Force pilot's jacket


    Name : Andy
    Location : Odessa
    Registration date : 2016-02-13
    Number of posts : 2693

    French Air Force pilot's jacket Empty French Air Force pilot's jacket

    Post by Haydamaka Mon Mar 27, 2017 7:49 am

    Blouson armée de l'air française -a pilot's jacket of the French Air Force, emerald green in color, made of a mixture of non-combustible materials, according to the technical regulations of flight personnel safety.
    Fabric composition: 50% meta aramide + 50% viscose ignifuge.

    Manufacturer - KERMEL-Rhodia.

    Non-flammable properties of the fabric are indicated on the label.
    I was convinced of this personally with the help of a cigarette lighter - no traces ;-)
    French Air Force pilot's jacket French10

    On a japaneese web-site it costs about 87 US dollars...
    French Air Force pilot's jacket French11
    French Air Force pilot's jacket French12
    French Air Force pilot's jacket French14
    French Air Force pilot's jacket French13
    French Air Force pilot's jacket French16
    French Air Force pilot's jacket French15

    Thermostable (thermo stable), Ininflammable (incombustible).

    Labeling label with dimensions: CSV (contractor), 052/99, size 112X - for height 183-188 cm.

      Current date/time is Fri Jan 24, 2025 8:05 am