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    PECOC MTP 40mm 11Round Bandoiler

    Officer Candidate
    Officer Candidate

    Name : Lee
    Location : England
    Registration date : 2012-09-11
    Number of posts : 554

    PECOC MTP 40mm 11Round Bandoiler Empty PECOC MTP 40mm 11Round Bandoiler

    Post by LeeKitchen1975 Fri Apr 28, 2017 3:21 pm

    CQC made 40mm 11 round Bandoiler in MTP part of the PECOC project. I bought this off a chap who was selling quite a bit of CQC surplus bits, ill put more in a bit. I thought I was buying the PECOC Hybrid Bandoiler like the one in the bottom pic

    PECOC MTP 40mm 11Round Bandoiler Img_0310

    PECOC MTP 40mm 11Round Bandoiler Img_0311

    PECOC MTP 40mm 11Round Bandoiler Img_0312

    And Hybrid Bandoiler, only ever seen this one!

    PECOC MTP 40mm 11Round Bandoiler Img_0313

    Officer Candidate
    Officer Candidate

    Name : Lee
    Location : England
    Registration date : 2012-09-11
    Number of posts : 554

    PECOC MTP 40mm 11Round Bandoiler Empty Re: PECOC MTP 40mm 11Round Bandoiler

    Post by LeeKitchen1975 Tue Jul 04, 2017 4:42 pm

    Managed to bag another PECOC Bandoiler. Difference with this one is that the webbing material goes round the pouch? There are press studs on the pouch but none on the webbing straps? The design of it is cumbersome as wehen look at either side the webbing won't go round the carrying straps..

    PECOC MTP 40mm 11Round Bandoiler Img_1110

    PECOC MTP 40mm 11Round Bandoiler Img_1111

    PECOC MTP 40mm 11Round Bandoiler Img_1112

    PECOC MTP 40mm 11Round Bandoiler Img_1113

      Current date/time is Mon Sep 09, 2024 7:38 pm