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    Slovak Air Force flight jumpsuit, gloves and garrison cap


    Location : Slovakia
    Registration date : 2015-05-06
    Number of posts : 252

    Slovak Air Force flight jumpsuit, gloves and garrison cap Empty Slovak Air Force flight jumpsuit, gloves and garrison cap

    Post by Thibir Thu May 04, 2017 5:41 pm

    I accidentally got hold of some Slovak Air Force items. It is flight jumpsuit, nomex gloves and garrison cap.

    I got them from L410 pilot. I don´t know if the gloves are private purchase or they got issued those. Also the jumpsuit tag is faded so I don´t know who is manufacturer.
    Slovak Air Force flight jumpsuit, gloves and garrison cap Dsc02614
    Slovak Air Force flight jumpsuit, gloves and garrison cap Dsc02612
    Slovak Air Force flight jumpsuit, gloves and garrison cap Dsc02613
    Slovak Air Force flight jumpsuit, gloves and garrison cap Dsc02618
    Slovak Air Force flight jumpsuit, gloves and garrison cap Dsc02621
    Slovak Air Force flight jumpsuit, gloves and garrison cap Dsc02620
    Slovak Air Force flight jumpsuit, gloves and garrison cap Dsc02615
    Slovak Air Force flight jumpsuit, gloves and garrison cap Dsc02616
    Slovak Air Force flight jumpsuit, gloves and garrison cap Dsc02617
    Slovak Air Force flight jumpsuit, gloves and garrison cap Dsc02619
    Slovak Air Force flight jumpsuit, gloves and garrison cap 7115_o10

    Hopefully the set will end in US, one friend of mine has Slovak roots and small Slovak Air Force section in their museum :-)

      Current date/time is Fri Oct 11, 2024 12:31 am