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    US? M1945 Khaki /tan suspenders


    Location : USA
    Registration date : 2014-09-26
    Number of posts : 282

    US? M1945 Khaki /tan suspenders  Empty US? M1945 Khaki /tan suspenders

    Post by abefroman Wed Jul 12, 2017 8:36 pm

    I purchased some M1945 suspenders that are very light khaki tan. Were these issued to US troops or do I have a foreign army's copy? I thought everything after World War II was OD.

    US? M1945 Khaki /tan suspenders  Img_0010

    Name : Andrew
    Location : Canada
    Registration date : 2014-01-18
    Number of posts : 1409

    US? M1945 Khaki /tan suspenders  Empty Re: US? M1945 Khaki /tan suspenders

    Post by Wolverine Wed Jul 12, 2017 9:47 pm

    It is hard to tell if they are sun-bleached or not. Can you post some closer images?

    Location : USA
    Registration date : 2014-09-26
    Number of posts : 282

    US? M1945 Khaki /tan suspenders  Empty Re: US? M1945 Khaki /tan suspenders

    Post by abefroman Wed Jul 12, 2017 10:42 pm

    Wolverine wrote:It is hard to tell if they are sun-bleached or not. Can you post some closer images?

    US? M1945 Khaki /tan suspenders  Img_0012

    US? M1945 Khaki /tan suspenders  Img_0011

    Name : Andrew
    Location : Canada
    Registration date : 2014-01-18
    Number of posts : 1409

    US? M1945 Khaki /tan suspenders  Empty Re: US? M1945 Khaki /tan suspenders

    Post by Wolverine Wed Jul 12, 2017 11:21 pm

    I think it is a foreign version. I have a similar one in dark olive that is not US-made.

    The US originals were used by Norway, Greece, and South Korea, among others probably. It seems that somewhere along the line copies were made.

    Location : USA
    Registration date : 2014-09-26
    Number of posts : 282

    US? M1945 Khaki /tan suspenders  Empty Re: US? M1945 Khaki /tan suspenders

    Post by abefroman Wed Jul 12, 2017 11:56 pm

    Wolverine wrote:I think it is a foreign version. I have a similar one in dark olive that is not US-made.

    The US originals were used by Norway, Greece, and South Korea, among others probably. It seems that somewhere along the line copies were made.

    How do you know your OD one is foreign?

    Name : Fins...
    Age : 55
    Location : Ohio
    Registration date : 2009-03-24
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    US? M1945 Khaki /tan suspenders  Empty Re: US? M1945 Khaki /tan suspenders

    Post by 1stDivVet Wed Jul 12, 2017 11:58 pm

    US ones would be marked. Those do not look to overly worn to have lost the stamp. I also believe them to be a foreign copy. That being said, late war stuff does appear in khaki. I have a 45 dated canteen cover in khaki as well as a 44 or 45 dated shovel cover in khaki with OD trim. A friend had an OD M1924 field pack. There are exceptions sometimes.


    If i'm the stupid one, why do they have a book with pictures of the militaria and I have the real things??

    Name : Andrew
    Location : Canada
    Registration date : 2014-01-18
    Number of posts : 1409

    US? M1945 Khaki /tan suspenders  Empty Re: US? M1945 Khaki /tan suspenders

    Post by Wolverine Thu Jul 13, 2017 9:35 am

    abefroman wrote:
    Wolverine wrote:I think it is a foreign version. I have a similar one in dark olive that is not US-made.

    The US originals were used by Norway, Greece, and South Korea, among others probably. It seems that somewhere along the line copies were made.

    How do you know your OD one is foreign?

    I am 95 percent certain it is foreign due to the texture of the web, the shade of the web, the apparent presence of polyester in the web, lack of markings, and the finish on the hardware. Also, it does not have the characteristic odor of NOS late-war US suspenders. While there are always exceptions to production norms, this one is quite distinct compared to the dozens or even hundreds of original examples I have seen with late-war or possibly Korean War dates over the years. There is also the circumstantial evidence that I found it in a Dutch surplus shop in a box of Dutch marine belts and suspenders, and there was really no US GI content in the shop otherwise. I suspect they might be Norwegian, but have no proof.

    There are, for certain, South Korean-made versions, but they are clearly marked as such, and are made of light green nylon. I also have an upper pack, US- made, but with ROK markings added.

    Further research remains to show just how widely the M1945 gear was exported through US aid programs.

    Location : USA
    Registration date : 2014-09-26
    Number of posts : 282

    US? M1945 Khaki /tan suspenders  Empty Re: US? M1945 Khaki /tan suspenders

    Post by abefroman Thu Jul 13, 2017 11:50 am

    Wolverine wrote:
    abefroman wrote:
    Wolverine wrote:I think it is a foreign version. I have a similar one in dark olive that is not US-made.

    The US originals were used by Norway, Greece, and South Korea, among others probably. It seems that somewhere along the line copies were made.

    How do you know your OD one is foreign?

    I am 95 percent certain it is foreign due to the texture of the web, the shade of the web, the apparent presence of polyester in the web, lack of markings, and the finish on the hardware. Also, it does not have the characteristic odor of NOS late-war US suspenders. While there are always exceptions to production norms, this one is quite distinct compared to the dozens or even hundreds of original examples I have seen with late-war or possibly Korean War dates over the years. There is also the circumstantial evidence that I found it in a Dutch surplus shop in a box of Dutch marine belts and suspenders, and there was really no US GI  content in the shop otherwise. I suspect they might be Norwegian, but have no proof.

    There are, for certain, South Korean-made versions, but they are clearly marked as such, and are made of light green nylon. I also have an upper pack, US- made, but with ROK markings added.

    Further research remains to show just how widely the M1945 gear was exported through US aid programs.

    Interesting, I have an OD one that I got from a US market that I was going to sell because I thought it was a rough US one, but I think I am going to hold on to it now.

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