So this helmet cover came in today (bottom right), and I don't really know anything about it.
It's not the typical Mk6 cover cut, as there are no square reinforcements on the sides and no foliage loops, and the sewing pattern is different.
The tag just lists a number (might be some old contract number or whatnot), and a factory that apparently burned down in 1973 or so
and was demolished because of it. (?)
At some point someone used it, as it's marked with surname, rank and serial.
It's not the typical Mk6 cover cut, as there are no square reinforcements on the sides and no foliage loops, and the sewing pattern is different.
The tag just lists a number (might be some old contract number or whatnot), and a factory that apparently burned down in 1973 or so
and was demolished because of it. (?)
At some point someone used it, as it's marked with surname, rank and serial.