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2 posters

    Dutch shirts, M76 and Shui Lung tropical

    Senior Lieutenant
    Senior Lieutenant

    Name : Michel Wijnand
    Age : 36
    Location : The Netherlands
    Registration date : 2016-11-09
    Number of posts : 827

    Dutch shirts, M76 and Shui Lung tropical Empty Dutch shirts, M76 and Shui Lung tropical

    Post by michelwijnand Sat Mar 03, 2018 10:54 am

    Just found these shirts last few weeks, an M76 and some Shui Lung Industrial made tropical ones.
    Both these types appeared in Dutch UNIFIL use.

    There also exists another suit, which is M58 cut but in this later M78 style fabric, these were dated around 1975, but I
    have yet to acquire it.

    The M76 is either a trial series or a shortlived series that was replaced by the M78 line.
    They are already of the later type material, but have different pocket flaps, and no snap buttons anywhere.
    Due to the flash the year on the tag is not visible, but it's marked 1977 at the top-right corner.

    Dutch shirts, M76 and Shui Lung tropical Dsc04435
    Dutch shirts, M76 and Shui Lung tropical Dsc04434
    Dutch shirts, M76 and Shui Lung tropical Dsc04437
    Dutch shirts, M76 and Shui Lung tropical Dsc04436

    Then the Shui Lung made stuff, a tropical suit made of Aertex fabric, in a British inspired cut, I've seen them dates 1975-1980.
    I found 2 shirts, 1 unmodified with the partial opening front, and another that has been modified to be full length opening.
    The pants I already found months ago, so now I finally completed this quite hard to find suit.

    For some reason collectors here who have seen these in photos have been calling them suits French tropical suits since a long
    time, and I absolutely disagree with that, as there seems to be no basis for any French suit in Dutch use.

    Dutch shirts, M76 and Shui Lung tropical Dsc04326
    Dutch shirts, M76 and Shui Lung tropical Dsc04328
    Dutch shirts, M76 and Shui Lung tropical Dsc04327
    Dutch shirts, M76 and Shui Lung tropical Dsc03010
    Dutch shirts, M76 and Shui Lung tropical Dsc03011

    And here's some reference pics.

    First some of my M76 pics, they actually show up in photos quite regularly, but here are the ones I have that show them the best.

    Dutch shirts, M76 and Shui Lung tropical Dsc03011
    Dutch shirts, M76 and Shui Lung tropical Unifor11
    Dutch shirts, M76 and Shui Lung tropical _dsc0510
    Dutch shirts, M76 and Shui Lung tropical 62f03c10
    Dutch shirts, M76 and Shui Lung tropical 772f1b10
    Dutch shirts, M76 and Shui Lung tropical 68388210
    Dutch shirts, M76 and Shui Lung tropical 68389710
    Dutch shirts, M76 and Shui Lung tropical Magazi11
    Dutch shirts, M76 and Shui Lung tropical Unifil10

    And these show the Shui Lung suits.

    Dutch shirts, M76 and Shui Lung tropical Unifor12
    Dutch shirts, M76 and Shui Lung tropical Unifor10
    Sergeant Major
    Sergeant Major

    Location : California
    Registration date : 2011-12-12
    Number of posts : 412

    Dutch shirts, M76 and Shui Lung tropical Empty Re: Dutch shirts, M76 and Shui Lung tropical

    Post by Camonut314 Sat Mar 03, 2018 2:31 pm

    Aha! So that's what they are. I had merely assumed for a long time that they were British HK made.
    Senior Lieutenant
    Senior Lieutenant

    Name : Michel Wijnand
    Age : 36
    Location : The Netherlands
    Registration date : 2016-11-09
    Number of posts : 827

    Dutch shirts, M76 and Shui Lung tropical Empty Re: Dutch shirts, M76 and Shui Lung tropical

    Post by michelwijnand Sat Mar 03, 2018 2:51 pm

    Well the company is based there, some other countries had their suits too, maybe they were even an order from the UN itself, who then distributed them around some troops

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    Dutch shirts, M76 and Shui Lung tropical Empty Re: Dutch shirts, M76 and Shui Lung tropical

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