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    Dutch tropical badging... how did I do?


    Location : New England, US
    Registration date : 2009-03-08
    Number of posts : 6989

    Dutch tropical badging... how did I do? Empty Dutch tropical badging... how did I do?

    Post by CollectinSteve Wed Feb 14, 2018 4:34 am

    I need some help with the badging on this Dutch jacket. I'm not as concerned about the unit having ever been deployed to a tropical area, though I would like to know if it might have. I'm more concerned with the chest and arm badges being a correct match. Anybody?


    Dutch tropical badging... how did I do? Dsc00229

    Location : Nederland
    Registration date : 2017-10-22
    Number of posts : 49

    Dutch tropical badging... how did I do? Empty Re: Dutch tropical badging... how did I do?

    Post by Glencoe Wed Feb 14, 2018 7:32 am

    I've researched this about the insignia:

    - The shoulder insignia show the rank of soldaar der eerste klasse (PFC)

    - The sleeve insignia is that of the luchtmobiele brigade (this is an old one made from 1993 onwards, not sure when it was replaced)

    - The patch on the breast is that of the opleidingscentrum voor initiële opleidingen for the luchtmobiele brigade. Basically a unit that schools the new recruits in the basics.

    Overall I think you have done a good job. But I'm a bit in the dark about who would have worn the breast badge, I think it would be reserved for those who worked permanently at the unit (instructors and so on) a pfc would already have completed the course but a instructor would be a higher rank.

    (dutch) source: http://legeremblemen.nl/

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