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    Dutch camo uniforms, newer versions from around 2008 onwards

    Senior Lieutenant
    Senior Lieutenant

    Name : Michel Wijnand
    Age : 36
    Location : The Netherlands
    Registration date : 2016-11-09
    Number of posts : 816

    Dutch camo uniforms, newer versions from around 2008 onwards - Page 2 Empty Re: Dutch camo uniforms, newer versions from around 2008 onwards

    Post by michelwijnand Mon Feb 19, 2024 7:09 pm

    Well there are some databases online like NSN depot and others, but there's not a whole lot of information that is found there, just the name of the item and date the NSN came into being.
    Also more recent NSN's are not in there, and also their database doesn't have 100% of old NSN's either, but there is a lot of international stuff listed on there.

    Sadly nobody has found a way to date Dutch BO-contractcodes yet as has been done with British codes, and I'm starting to think there is just no way to do so
    Junior Sergeant
    Junior Sergeant

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    Dutch camo uniforms, newer versions from around 2008 onwards - Page 2 Empty Re: Dutch camo uniforms, newer versions from around 2008 onwards

    Post by Bert353 Wed Jun 12, 2024 7:44 am

    michelwijnand wrote:Recently this has been an interest of mine, and I've collected quite a lot of it already, so I thought I'd make a thread about the more
    modern Dutch uniforms, like the smocks and combat shirts, both KL and KM alike, so here it goes.

    After a long time having the same uniforms that were designed in 1990 the Dutch MoD finally decided to make some changes from around 2008 onwards.
    Mostly because of experiences made in the Afghan war, the first new items to come were Desert smocks and UBACS.

    This first post will be about KL smocks, due to some time-issues I'll later add posts about the UBACS shirts and the updated "M93" uniforms.

    In 2008 there were 4 different smock models that were marked on the label with manufacturer numbers and some also without NSN, others with the
    numbers being replaced by X's.

    From that batch I've seen 3 out of 4 types, the other one is still a mystery to me, and 1 of them was approved for further production in 2009.

    Here's my only 2008 smock, made by manufacturer 4, which originally came with 4 pads, 2 in the shoulders and 2 in the elbows, but these were removed in my smock.

    Dutch camo uniforms, newer versions from around 2008 onwards - Page 2 Dsc05324
    Dutch camo uniforms, newer versions from around 2008 onwards - Page 2 Dsc05323
    Dutch camo uniforms, newer versions from around 2008 onwards - Page 2 Dsc05326
    Dutch camo uniforms, newer versions from around 2008 onwards - Page 2 Dsc05325

    Hello Michel,
    I think that manufacturer 4 might be SABRE, since I have the same smock in wuestentarn.
    does this smock is very heavy and feels quite like plastic to the touch? (outside of tissue?)
    Senior Lieutenant
    Senior Lieutenant

    Name : Michel Wijnand
    Age : 36
    Location : The Netherlands
    Registration date : 2016-11-09
    Number of posts : 816

    Dutch camo uniforms, newer versions from around 2008 onwards - Page 2 Empty Re: Dutch camo uniforms, newer versions from around 2008 onwards

    Post by michelwijnand Wed Jun 12, 2024 3:57 pm

    Oh nice, it looks like you're right, I now see the exact same model through google.
    The smock does feel pretty heavy and really hangs down under it's weight.
    Thanks for this! Now all 4 of these seem to be identified.
    1. Cobbs Industries.
    2. Feuchter.
    3. Arktis.
    4. Sabre.

    No idea how I never saw this myself, as I've been looking at German smocks on kleinanzeigen a lot over the years, coincidentally never seeing this exact type for some reason
    Junior Sergeant
    Junior Sergeant

    Location : France
    Registration date : 2018-02-03
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    Dutch camo uniforms, newer versions from around 2008 onwards - Page 2 Empty Re: Dutch camo uniforms, newer versions from around 2008 onwards

    Post by Bert353 Wed Jun 12, 2024 5:06 pm

    Michel, have a look at the zipper of that smock, it could be that it has a secondary one size smaller zipper attached to it, in that case it means that there could be a fleece liner inserted as well.

    Location : United Kingdom
    Registration date : 2024-09-01
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    Dutch camo uniforms, newer versions from around 2008 onwards - Page 2 Empty Re: Dutch camo uniforms, newer versions from around 2008 onwards

    Post by Bedazzled Tue Sep 03, 2024 5:27 pm

    Brilliant information Michel.
    Senior Lieutenant
    Senior Lieutenant

    Name : Michel Wijnand
    Age : 36
    Location : The Netherlands
    Registration date : 2016-11-09
    Number of posts : 816

    Dutch camo uniforms, newer versions from around 2008 onwards - Page 2 Empty Re: Dutch camo uniforms, newer versions from around 2008 onwards

    Post by michelwijnand Thu Sep 05, 2024 3:05 pm

    Bedazzled, thanks!

    Bert353: As I recall none of these smocks have that. By this time they were already looking at seperating the liners from the smocks themselves, which became the final product

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    Dutch camo uniforms, newer versions from around 2008 onwards - Page 2 Empty Re: Dutch camo uniforms, newer versions from around 2008 onwards

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