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4 posters

    NZ Helmets: US M1, PASGT and Rabintex. With DPM and MCU covers


    Name : Craig
    Location : New Zealand
    Registration date : 2018-10-27
    Number of posts : 10

    NZ Helmets: US M1, PASGT and Rabintex. With DPM and MCU covers Empty NZ Helmets: US M1, PASGT and Rabintex. With DPM and MCU covers

    Post by CraigH Sun Jan 13, 2019 8:59 am

    It took a while, but it seems the forum is now accepting new members.

    I have been a periodic reader of this forum for a few years, but until now I have been unable to contribute.  

    This is my first post, and it will cover New Zealand issue helmets and their covers over the last 30years.

    Moving from Newest to oldest I will briefly cover each of the following:
    1. Rabintex RBH 303 AU Helmet, with MCU Cover
    2. Rabintex RBH 303 AU Helmet, with DPM Cover
    3. GENTEX PASGT Helmet, with DPM Cover
    4. US M1 Helmet with, DPM Cover

    Last edited by CraigH on Sun Jan 13, 2019 10:20 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Improved word choice)

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    Name : Craig
    Location : New Zealand
    Registration date : 2018-10-27
    Number of posts : 10

    NZ Helmets: US M1, PASGT and Rabintex. With DPM and MCU covers Empty 1. MCU helmet cover, Rabintex Helmet

    Post by CraigH Sun Jan 13, 2019 9:07 am

    The issue helmet is a Rabintex RBH 303 AU, the pictured helmet is a Gentex TBHII, filling in as i do not own an example of a Rabintex helmet (the TBHII is same shape as the issue helmet but the liner and chinstrap will differ).

    MCU covers issued from 2013 following the adoption of MCU the previous year.

    Has 4 intra red markers: on the left, right, top and rear of the helmet. Each marker has a cover which can be velcroed to cover or uncover the marker.

    Two goggle straps on the rear of the helmet.

    The rim of the cover has 8 lengths of double sided velcro which attach to velcro dots on the inside of the helmet shell.

    Cover is made in NZ by Hills Hats

    NZ Helmets: US M1, PASGT and Rabintex. With DPM and MCU covers 1010

    NZ Helmets: US M1, PASGT and Rabintex. With DPM and MCU covers 1310

    NZ Helmets: US M1, PASGT and Rabintex. With DPM and MCU covers 1110

    Name : Craig
    Location : New Zealand
    Registration date : 2018-10-27
    Number of posts : 10

    NZ Helmets: US M1, PASGT and Rabintex. With DPM and MCU covers Empty 1. MCU helmet cover, Rabintex Helmet continued

    Post by CraigH Sun Jan 13, 2019 9:22 am

    NZ Helmets: US M1, PASGT and Rabintex. With DPM and MCU covers 1210

    NZ Helmets: US M1, PASGT and Rabintex. With DPM and MCU covers 20190110

    Name : Craig
    Location : New Zealand
    Registration date : 2018-10-27
    Number of posts : 10

    NZ Helmets: US M1, PASGT and Rabintex. With DPM and MCU covers Empty 1. DPM helmet cover, Rabintex Helmet

    Post by CraigH Sun Jan 13, 2019 9:33 am

    DPM helmet cover on the same Gentex TBHII seen above, as I do not have the appropriate Rabintex helmet.

    The DPM helmet cover is exactly the same as the MCU Cover pictured above, except made out of ripstop DPM material.

    Helmet cover in use 2010 -2013/14.  The Rabintex helmet was  adopted to replace the PASGT in 2009, and the DPM pattern was phased out from 2013 with the adoption and introduction of MCU.

    Has 4 infra red markers: on the left, right, top and rear of the helmet. Each marker has a cover which can be velcroed to cover or uncover the marker.

    Two goggle straps on the rear of the helmet.

    The rim of the cover has 8 lengths of double sided Velcro which attach to Velcro dots on the inside of the helmet shell.

    Cover made in NZ by Hills Hats

    NZ Helmets: US M1, PASGT and Rabintex. With DPM and MCU covers 610

    NZ Helmets: US M1, PASGT and Rabintex. With DPM and MCU covers 910

    NZ Helmets: US M1, PASGT and Rabintex. With DPM and MCU covers 710

    Name : Craig
    Location : New Zealand
    Registration date : 2018-10-27
    Number of posts : 10

    NZ Helmets: US M1, PASGT and Rabintex. With DPM and MCU covers Empty 1. DPM helmet cover, Rabintex Helmet continued

    Post by CraigH Sun Jan 13, 2019 9:35 am

    NZ Helmets: US M1, PASGT and Rabintex. With DPM and MCU covers 810

    NZ Helmets: US M1, PASGT and Rabintex. With DPM and MCU covers 20190111

    Name : Craig
    Location : New Zealand
    Registration date : 2018-10-27
    Number of posts : 10

    NZ Helmets: US M1, PASGT and Rabintex. With DPM and MCU covers Empty 3. Gentex PASGT Helmet with DPM Cover

    Post by CraigH Sun Jan 13, 2019 9:50 am

    The PASGT helmet was in use from the 1990's until the adoption of the Rabintex ACH in 2009 (though it hang around for many years after that).

    This particular helmet is made by GENTEX though I have also heard of UNICOR helmets being issued as well. Id appreciate any clarification of which was issued, and when.

    The cover on the particular helmet is made with a rip-stop material which means it was made in 2008 or later, I have another helmet cover which is identical but made in the previous non rip-stop material (2003ish-2008). Both covers are made by Hills Hats

    The covers have elastic sown into the rim and secures to the helmet via 8 pieces of webbing that are sown onto the rim of the cover and are wrapped around the liner of the helmet and Velcro back onto themselves.

    This PASGT helmet is very similar to the later ACH cut helmets except they has a slight brim on the front and has a few cm more coverage on the back and sides, it also weighs about .5kg more.

    This helmets liner has been replaced with a aftermarket SKYDEX kit, I am not certain if this was done formally. (Input please)

    Right Side
    NZ Helmets: US M1, PASGT and Rabintex. With DPM and MCU covers 20190115

    Left Side
    NZ Helmets: US M1, PASGT and Rabintex. With DPM and MCU covers 20190117

    NZ Helmets: US M1, PASGT and Rabintex. With DPM and MCU covers 20190116

    Last edited by CraigH on Sun Jan 13, 2019 9:52 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Wrong photo used)

    Name : Craig
    Location : New Zealand
    Registration date : 2018-10-27
    Number of posts : 10

    NZ Helmets: US M1, PASGT and Rabintex. With DPM and MCU covers Empty 3. Gentex PASGT Helmet with DPM Cover continued

    Post by CraigH Sun Jan 13, 2019 9:54 am

    NZ Helmets: US M1, PASGT and Rabintex. With DPM and MCU covers 20190118

    NZ Helmets: US M1, PASGT and Rabintex. With DPM and MCU covers 20190119

    Name : Craig
    Location : New Zealand
    Registration date : 2018-10-27
    Number of posts : 10

    NZ Helmets: US M1, PASGT and Rabintex. With DPM and MCU covers Empty 4. US M1 steel helmet with NZ DPM cover.

    Post by CraigH Sun Jan 13, 2019 9:58 am

    I have very little to contribute about this helmet, as it is older that I am.
    I would appreciate input on issue/adoption dates, different models, and variations etc.

    Right Side
    NZ Helmets: US M1, PASGT and Rabintex. With DPM and MCU covers 20190121

    Left Side
    NZ Helmets: US M1, PASGT and Rabintex. With DPM and MCU covers 20190122

    NZ Helmets: US M1, PASGT and Rabintex. With DPM and MCU covers 20190120

    Name : Craig
    Location : New Zealand
    Registration date : 2018-10-27
    Number of posts : 10

    NZ Helmets: US M1, PASGT and Rabintex. With DPM and MCU covers Empty 4. US M1 steel helmet with NZ DPM cover continued

    Post by CraigH Sun Jan 13, 2019 10:00 am

    NZ Helmets: US M1, PASGT and Rabintex. With DPM and MCU covers 20190123

    NZ Helmets: US M1, PASGT and Rabintex. With DPM and MCU covers 20190124

    Name : Craig
    Location : New Zealand
    Registration date : 2018-10-27
    Number of posts : 10

    NZ Helmets: US M1, PASGT and Rabintex. With DPM and MCU covers Empty 5. End note

    Post by CraigH Sun Jan 13, 2019 10:10 am

    That concludes this post. Id appreciate any corrections, extra information and additional pictures from other members.

    I plan for my next post to be on all variations of the NZDPM trousers and shirts. Give me a couple of weeks to complete this.
    Senior Sergeant
    Senior Sergeant

    Name : Dan
    Age : 44
    Location : New Zealand
    Registration date : 2011-03-03
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    NZ Helmets: US M1, PASGT and Rabintex. With DPM and MCU covers Empty Re: NZ Helmets: US M1, PASGT and Rabintex. With DPM and MCU covers

    Post by 2/1kiwi Sun Jan 13, 2019 4:31 pm

    Hi Craig, skydex kit was an issue upgrade.
    I have heaps of NZDPM and DDPM and MCU gear.

    Hit me up if you want to trade anything.

    Junior Sergeant
    Junior Sergeant

    Age : 44
    Location : new zealand
    Registration date : 2010-11-09
    Number of posts : 143

    NZ Helmets: US M1, PASGT and Rabintex. With DPM and MCU covers Empty M1 covers

    Post by 2/1RNZIR Mon Aug 26, 2019 4:50 am

    Hi Craig,

    M1 helmet covers in NZ Army use -

    1960’s first covers - WWII style Mark II hessian helmet covers
    1960’s - 1970’s - reversible Vietnam era covers
    1970’s - 1990’s - US military BDU covers
    1990’s - 2005 - NZ Dpm
    1960’s - 2000’s - (all era’s) shredded hessian sand bags, bleached scrim sweat rag, plastic cam nets you tore off from the CP, or old unserviceable uniforms cut up and made into scrimmed helmet covers, and a strip of tyre tube inner to keep it tight on your lid.

    I did my Territorial basic training in 1998 and we had M1 covers ranging from Vietnam era to the latest dpm

    Location : Sweden
    Registration date : 2020-11-13
    Number of posts : 12

    NZ Helmets: US M1, PASGT and Rabintex. With DPM and MCU covers Empty Re: NZ Helmets: US M1, PASGT and Rabintex. With DPM and MCU covers

    Post by bang1266 Wed Aug 18, 2021 8:18 pm

    Thanks for the pictures! Have they made covers in NZMTP yet?

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