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2 posters

    DUTCH SF SNIPER (originally posted by ys2003)


    Location : United States
    Registration date : 2009-02-12
    Number of posts : 247

    DUTCH SF SNIPER (originally posted by ys2003) Empty DUTCH SF SNIPER (originally posted by ys2003)

    Post by ADMIN Tue Feb 17, 2009 2:15 pm

    you see in the picture Dutch SF sniper gear-self made ghilliesuit-Accuracy sniperriffle-back up weapon Glock 17 and personal gear.


    DUTCH SF SNIPER (originally posted by ys2003) Sniper10

    Location : Holland
    Registration date : 2010-01-15
    Number of posts : 273

    DUTCH SF SNIPER (originally posted by ys2003) Empty SNIPER gear /shooter long range.

    Post by jeva Tue Jan 19, 2010 7:55 am

    This is some schutter lange afstand gear I have here.THe smock is a original Dutch item with a nsn.I have 2 pieces 1 new and the other in browned condition[used].
    The gun backpack is also original the straps are removed because the original owner did ty rept it on his backpack.
    At last the helmet painted in desert.Its a standard boarding helmet.
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    Location : Holland
    Registration date : 2010-01-15
    Number of posts : 273

    DUTCH SF SNIPER (originally posted by ys2003) Empty ULTIMATE SNIPER SMOCK

    Post by jeva Sat Sep 18, 2010 2:34 pm

    items on the smock.top> bottom.
    HOOD with pertex liner,camo loops,4adjustment fastners.
    FRONT CHEST napoleon pockets,bulge pocket with d ring, elastic velcro holders,hole for rope[wizzle].Large pocket with elastic holders.And room for rifflebud padding
    HIP Amo pouche with buckle and elastic holders .50 .
    Back large pocket with internal diverder [velcro] loops for camo all around.
    Arm loops 2 pockets cordura elbow with padding.Double cuf first with adjuster[against the smaal animals]Zippers with mosquitonet.
    Inside rabbits tail large bag.

    The zippers the wrong way up.So when you crawl they dont open.
    Material ripstop nylon pertex.

    And many more items.
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    Jeroen from holland

    Location : Holland
    Registration date : 2010-01-15
    Number of posts : 273

    DUTCH SF SNIPER (originally posted by ys2003) Empty Re: DUTCH SF SNIPER (originally posted by ys2003)

    Post by jeva Sat Oct 09, 2010 1:04 pm

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    A remodeld pair of pants.This 1 was given to me from a SLA gunner.
    The pants have a gun holster on the bud velcro on the pockets and velcro on the pants bottom.
    Original it was a UK dpm .

    jeroen from holland

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    DUTCH SF SNIPER (originally posted by ys2003) Empty Re: DUTCH SF SNIPER (originally posted by ys2003)

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