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    Dutch weapons (originally posted by ys2003)


    Location : United States
    Registration date : 2009-02-12
    Number of posts : 247

    Dutch weapons (originally posted by ys2003) Empty Dutch weapons (originally posted by ys2003)

    Post by ADMIN Tue Feb 17, 2009 2:26 pm

    picture of a accuracy sniper rifle used by dutch SF sniper teams

    Dutch weapons (originally posted by ys2003) Accura10

    picture Diemaco c8 a1 with HK 40 mm grenade launcher used by SF teams in afghanistan-weapon is painted in deserttan

    Dutch weapons (originally posted by ys2003) C8a1gd10

    diemaco c8 a1 with supressor used by Dutch SF teams in Afghanistan

    Dutch weapons (originally posted by ys2003) C8a1gd11

    miniimi with folded stock as used by Dutch SF and other Dutch infantry units

    Dutch weapons (originally posted by ys2003) Minimi10

    mossberg shotgun used by counterterrorism teams (CT) Dutch SF-this weapon is used in Afghanistan

    Dutch weapons (originally posted by ys2003) Mossbe10

    HK MP 577 used by CT teams Dutch SF

    Dutch weapons (originally posted by ys2003) Mp577y10

    FN P 90 MP used by Dutch SF units

    Dutch weapons (originally posted by ys2003) P90_s10

    SF vehicle Mercedes Benz 290 diesel-with heavy armement including for the co-driver FN MAG with Elcan scope-rear gunner with Browning .50- AT 4 launchers-Diemaco C8 A1-backup weapon Glock 17-smoke launchers.

    Dutch weapons (originally posted by ys2003) Mb_sit10

    picture of a Dutch SF knive only made for Dutch SF operators


    Dutch weapons (originally posted by ys2003) Hillkn10

      Current date/time is Mon Dec 09, 2024 5:02 am