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    The Earliest DPM Camouflage Trials Garment


    Location : United Kingdom
    Registration date : 2016-02-12
    Number of posts : 1

    The Earliest DPM Camouflage Trials Garment Empty The Earliest DPM Camouflage Trials Garment

    Post by wdbikemad Thu Mar 28, 2019 1:43 pm

    The Earliest DPM Camouflage Trials Garment Efc1ea10
    The Earliest DPM Camouflage Trials Garment Efc2dp10
    The Earliest DPM Camouflage Trials Garment Efc3dp10

    The images show a prototype British DPM camouflage smock/jacket, faintly marked "SCRDE 1966" (Stores, Clothing, Research and Development Establishment).....

    This rare garment appears to be based on the 1959 Pattern Denison Smock in both cut and detail, but is not an airborne garment. It lacks a tail-piece, is fully lined in olive poplin, has no "tabs" to adjust at either side of the lower-hem, has a built-in hood and a drwacord at the waist that can be accessed from either the outside or inside. The garment is also noticeably longer than the Denison.....

    DPM camouflage clothing was not introduced into the British Army until 1970, so this rare garment dated 1966 shows DPM cammo in it's development stage. Have a close look at the print, in particular the carbon black..........

    This garment was a mystery for many years until I viewed a colour film on British Pathe entitled "Testing Army Clothing" (dating from 1969). This short film shows examples of this garment undergoing weather tests.........

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