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    Croatian or Bosnian M75 Field Pack?

    Senior Sergeant
    Senior Sergeant

    Name : Nate
    Location : USA
    Registration date : 2013-10-16
    Number of posts : 392

    Croatian or Bosnian M75 Field Pack? Empty Croatian or Bosnian M75 Field Pack?

    Post by TennoHeikaNate Sun Mar 15, 2020 4:36 am

    Got this about a month ago, totally forgot to ask about it!
    As far as I can tell, it's a straightforward copy of the Yugoslavian JNA Borbeni ranac M-75 (Combat backpack Model 1975), but in a knockoff woodland pattern.
    It's not the same material or style as those other Croatian woodland daypack/buttpacks you see for sale now and then. I think those other ones are more late 90's/00's Croatian army issue.
    Definitely used, some worn/broken/torn bits.
    Aside from the buckles, which look to say "MEA"? , there are no markings, tags, or stamps that I can see.
    This is only the second one I've ever seen, the first didn't have any markings either from what I saw.

    Croatian or Bosnian M75 Field Pack? Croati11
    Croatian or Bosnian M75 Field Pack? Croati10
    Croatian or Bosnian M75 Field Pack? Croati12
    Croatian or Bosnian M75 Field Pack? Croati14
    Croatian or Bosnian M75 Field Pack? Croati15
    Croatian or Bosnian M75 Field Pack? Croati13

      Current date/time is Fri Jan 24, 2025 4:50 am