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    Polizia di Stato jacket, 1980-s?


    Name : Andy
    Location : Odessa
    Registration date : 2016-02-12
    Number of posts : 2693

    Polizia di Stato jacket, 1980-s? Empty Polizia di Stato jacket, 1980-s?

    Post by Haydamaka Mon Nov 15, 2021 10:58 am

    Hello, guys!

    The photos below show the Italian state police (Polizia di Stato) service jacket.
    Polizia di Stato jacket, 1980-s? Dsc_0910
    Polizia di Stato jacket, 1980-s? Dsc_0914
    Polizia di Stato jacket, 1980-s? Dsc_0916

    The buttons have the manufacturer's indication: BOMISA MILANO.
    Polizia di Stato jacket, 1980-s? Dsc_0911
    Polizia di Stato jacket, 1980-s? 16369810
    Polizia di Stato jacket, 1980-s? Dsc_0912

    The same button:
    Italian button

    Could anybody say, in what year was this jacket introduced (circa 1981 ?) and what was the service period of it?
    Is it still used nowadays?
    Polizia di Stato jacket, 1980-s? Dsc_0913
    Polizia di Stato jacket, 1980-s? 16369811

    Thank you in advance for your comments and suggestions!

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