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    Modern Austrian stuff I managed to find

    Senior Lieutenant
    Senior Lieutenant

    Name : Michel Wijnand
    Age : 36
    Location : The Netherlands
    Registration date : 2016-11-09
    Number of posts : 834

    Modern Austrian stuff I managed to find Empty Modern Austrian stuff I managed to find

    Post by michelwijnand Sun Sep 18, 2022 8:59 am

    So I finally started working on a modern Austrian set again after a long time not finding anything and working on other stuff,
    here's my recent finds, some of which are very hard to find for some reason, I guess Austria treats their used gear different than
    other countries do, especially the "modular" pouches almost never seem to come up for sale.

    First a vest with a number of pouches that popped up on a German page.

    Modern Austrian stuff I managed to find Dsc07125
    Modern Austrian stuff I managed to find Dsc07126
    Modern Austrian stuff I managed to find Dsc07127
    Modern Austrian stuff I managed to find Dsc07128
    Modern Austrian stuff I managed to find Dsc07129
    Modern Austrian stuff I managed to find Dsc07130
    Modern Austrian stuff I managed to find Dsc07131

    A canteenpouch that appeared in a lot with different international canteens, the canteen itself it Dutch.

    Modern Austrian stuff I managed to find Dsc01826
    Modern Austrian stuff I managed to find Dsc01824
    Modern Austrian stuff I managed to find Dsc01825

    The battlebelt for the vest, which I already had for a while.

    Modern Austrian stuff I managed to find Dsc01730
    Modern Austrian stuff I managed to find Dsc01731

    A small backpack.

    Modern Austrian stuff I managed to find Dsc01938
    Modern Austrian stuff I managed to find Dsc01937
    Modern Austrian stuff I managed to find Dsc01936

    CQC trial series vest, sadly the tag was removed.

    Modern Austrian stuff I managed to find Dsc07411
    Modern Austrian stuff I managed to find Dsc07410

    Some more pouches for the other vest above, and a free KAZ03 cap I got with them.

    Modern Austrian stuff I managed to find Dsc07414
    Modern Austrian stuff I managed to find Dsc07412
    Modern Austrian stuff I managed to find Dsc07413

    CQC pouches. (And an Israeli pouch that I found at the same place)

    Modern Austrian stuff I managed to find Dsc07310
    Modern Austrian stuff I managed to find Dsc07311
    Modern Austrian stuff I managed to find Dsc07312
    Modern Austrian stuff I managed to find Dsc07313

    And then 2 variations of pouches I hadn't seen before in comparison with the later standard type.
    At first I thought the left one was a repaired 1999 type CQC pouch but it actually has a number of construction differences.
    The center pouch is also CQC made but a very late trial type from just before the standard type.

    Modern Austrian stuff I managed to find Dsc07314
    Modern Austrian stuff I managed to find Dsc07316
    Modern Austrian stuff I managed to find Dsc07319
    Modern Austrian stuff I managed to find Dsc07318
    Modern Austrian stuff I managed to find Dsc07317

    The left pouch has no tag and no indications of there every having been one, differente edge trim, different sewing patterns attaching straps,
    and the top rear flap is sewn into the edge folded differently.

    Modern Austrian stuff I managed to find Dsc07320
    Modern Austrian stuff I managed to find Dsc07322
    Modern Austrian stuff I managed to find Dsc07321
    Modern Austrian stuff I managed to find Dsc07323

    Trial type KAZ03 khaki jacket with a green velcro nametape.

    Modern Austrian stuff I managed to find Dsc07215
    Modern Austrian stuff I managed to find Dsc07214
    Modern Austrian stuff I managed to find Dsc07213
    Modern Austrian stuff I managed to find Dsc07217

    KAZ03 khaki pants.

    Modern Austrian stuff I managed to find Dsc07218
    Modern Austrian stuff I managed to find Dsc07216

    KAZ03 green jacket.

    Modern Austrian stuff I managed to find Dsc01827
    Modern Austrian stuff I managed to find Dsc01828

    KAZ03 green pants.

    Modern Austrian stuff I managed to find Dsc07220
    Modern Austrian stuff I managed to find Dsc07221
    Modern Austrian stuff I managed to find Dsc07219

    Glock holster, snow helmetcover, the gaiters in the top of course aren't modern but hey were found in the same place.

    Modern Austrian stuff I managed to find Dsc07325
    Modern Austrian stuff I managed to find Dsc07324
    Modern Austrian stuff I managed to find Dsc07327
    Modern Austrian stuff I managed to find Dsc07326

    Khaki rankloop, fullcolor international use Austria patch and UN patch, khaki and green Bundesheer patches.

    Modern Austrian stuff I managed to find Dsc07224
    Modern Austrian stuff I managed to find Dsc07225

    Now what I really need to find are:

    Khaki cap or boonie hat.
    "Modular" gasmaskbag.
    CQC canteenpouch and utilitypouches.
    Any model CQC backpack.

    Sadly these are proving extremely difficult to get, so this set will probably take more years to finish,
    I can still hit myself in the head for not buying full equipment sets when they were available 10+ years ago...
    Lieutenant Colonel
    Lieutenant Colonel

    Name : A.
    Location : Austria
    Registration date : 2013-10-18
    Number of posts : 2336

    Modern Austrian stuff I managed to find Empty Re: Modern Austrian stuff I managed to find

    Post by mylle Mon Sep 19, 2022 2:14 pm

    Most CQC stuff you need is very hard to find. I had the trials backpack for sale on ebay some time ago.
    At least you spotted the belt.Wink
    Senior Lieutenant
    Senior Lieutenant

    Name : Michel Wijnand
    Age : 36
    Location : The Netherlands
    Registration date : 2016-11-09
    Number of posts : 834

    Modern Austrian stuff I managed to find Empty Re: Modern Austrian stuff I managed to find

    Post by michelwijnand Mon Sep 19, 2022 6:55 pm

    You mean the CQC belt on ebay? Yes I was looking at that one for a while Razz

    For some reason the normal type belt is always in stock at a Dutch webshop, so quite easy to get!
    Senior Lieutenant
    Senior Lieutenant

    Name : Michel Wijnand
    Age : 36
    Location : The Netherlands
    Registration date : 2016-11-09
    Number of posts : 834

    Modern Austrian stuff I managed to find Empty Re: Modern Austrian stuff I managed to find

    Post by michelwijnand Fri Apr 07, 2023 3:26 pm


    A gasmaskbag! Eventhough 90% of soldiers are wearing the old M75 type gasmaskbag with their KAZ03 gear, and 10% don't seem to wear any at all, now I have
    this gasmaskbag from 2002, which is the same year as my vest.

    Modern Austrian stuff I managed to find Dsc08711
    Modern Austrian stuff I managed to find Dsc08712
    Modern Austrian stuff I managed to find Dsc08710

    And here are the pics I have of this type of bag:

    Modern Austrian stuff I managed to find Bundes10
    Modern Austrian stuff I managed to find Rsabw10
    Modern Austrian stuff I managed to find Pk1110
    Modern Austrian stuff I managed to find Gasmas10

    The last pic shows a very similar bag, though it has the lengthwise seam on the back rather than on the front and also the closing flap looks a bit different.
    Which is earlier, my bag or that type, remains to be seen. I guess I'll have to wait years again before I ever find that type, or even pics of it, to see what year
    it's from.
    Senior Lieutenant
    Senior Lieutenant

    Name : Michel Wijnand
    Age : 36
    Location : The Netherlands
    Registration date : 2016-11-09
    Number of posts : 834

    Modern Austrian stuff I managed to find Empty Re: Modern Austrian stuff I managed to find

    Post by michelwijnand Sun Jun 04, 2023 3:35 pm

    Found more stuff again in the meantime.

    Medium KAZ03 backpack, canteencup, snow poncho and snow backpackcover.

    Modern Austrian stuff I managed to find Dsc09025
    Modern Austrian stuff I managed to find Dsc09024
    Modern Austrian stuff I managed to find Dsc09026
    Modern Austrian stuff I managed to find Dsc09027
    Modern Austrian stuff I managed to find Dsc09028

    Snow oversuit

    Modern Austrian stuff I managed to find Dsc08823
    Modern Austrian stuff I managed to find Dsc08825
    Modern Austrian stuff I managed to find Dsc08824
    Modern Austrian stuff I managed to find Dsc08826

    Large backpack frame and a canteen.

    Modern Austrian stuff I managed to find Dsc08828
    Modern Austrian stuff I managed to find Dsc08829
    Modern Austrian stuff I managed to find Dsc08827

    And also the backpack that goes on the frame.

    Modern Austrian stuff I managed to find Dsc08624
    Modern Austrian stuff I managed to find Dsc08625
    Modern Austrian stuff I managed to find Dsc08623
    Senior Lieutenant
    Senior Lieutenant

    Name : Michel Wijnand
    Age : 36
    Location : The Netherlands
    Registration date : 2016-11-09
    Number of posts : 834

    Modern Austrian stuff I managed to find Empty Re: Modern Austrian stuff I managed to find

    Post by michelwijnand Sat Sep 30, 2023 12:35 pm

    So in the meantime I found some more things, for some reason I forgot to add the CQC trial belt I found months ago already, which came
    to my attention when I wanted to post my newly found CQC backpack, so here it is.

    I've now seen 2 different CQC belt models and this seems to be the last type before the actual issue version, the only difference seems to
    be that the vertical beltloops seem to be wider than on the regular type.

    Modern Austrian stuff I managed to find Dsc07433
    Modern Austrian stuff I managed to find Dsc07432
    Modern Austrian stuff I managed to find Dsc07434
    Modern Austrian stuff I managed to find Dsc07435

    And then there's the backpack, dated 1999 so it was at least originally meant for the older type belt, so depending on what the attachment
    strips system looks like, it might be able to attach to the later belt too, though sadly the straps and straps part has been cut off on my pack
    and hotos of these packs are few so I have no idea.

    Modern Austrian stuff I managed to find Dsc09310
    Modern Austrian stuff I managed to find Dsc09311
    Modern Austrian stuff I managed to find Dsc09312
    Modern Austrian stuff I managed to find Dsc09313

    TennoHeikaNate likes this post

    Senior Lieutenant
    Senior Lieutenant

    Name : Michel Wijnand
    Age : 36
    Location : The Netherlands
    Registration date : 2016-11-09
    Number of posts : 834

    Modern Austrian stuff I managed to find Empty Re: Modern Austrian stuff I managed to find

    Post by michelwijnand Sun Aug 04, 2024 8:27 am

    Found some more stuff on vacation in Austria again!

    First off another variation of the trial backpack, no CQC label but only an Erprobung one, it has a different system to lock to the belt, more in line with the eventual issue type.
    It can attach to the 2001 dated CQC belt from before but seeing as that one has a snapbutton on the backleft to attach the QR pullstrap to, and this backpack does not have a
    snapbutton on the strap there, I suspect the existence of yet another type of belt, which I think is not made by CQC, I think the same about this backpack.

    It has a very simple inner frame, and behind that there are some German rubber ground sheets stuffed in there, and inbetween those were some liftcards and a folder from 2003.

    Modern Austrian stuff I managed to find Dsc00330
    Modern Austrian stuff I managed to find Dsc00329
    Modern Austrian stuff I managed to find Dsc00331
    Modern Austrian stuff I managed to find Dsc00333
    Modern Austrian stuff I managed to find Dsc00334
    Modern Austrian stuff I managed to find Dsc00332
    Modern Austrian stuff I managed to find Dsc00335
    Modern Austrian stuff I managed to find Dsc00336
    Modern Austrian stuff I managed to find Dsc00337
    Modern Austrian stuff I managed to find Dsc00338
    Modern Austrian stuff I managed to find Dsc00339
    Modern Austrian stuff I managed to find Dsc00340
    Modern Austrian stuff I managed to find Dsc00341
    Modern Austrian stuff I managed to find Dsc00343
    Modern Austrian stuff I managed to find Dsc00342

    Then a stack of trial pouches, mostly of the later 2001 trial series with the different closure on the mag- and fragpouches.
    Just 1 fragpouch is of the earlier CQC type with the Spanish type buckle, and the other at the bottomleft matches entirely in
    construction and materials to the backpack, so there might actually be even more pouches of this series too.

    Modern Austrian stuff I managed to find Dsc00344
    Modern Austrian stuff I managed to find Dsc00345
    Modern Austrian stuff I managed to find Dsc00346
    Modern Austrian stuff I managed to find Dsc00349
    Modern Austrian stuff I managed to find Dsc00347
    Modern Austrian stuff I managed to find Dsc00348
    Modern Austrian stuff I managed to find Dsc00350

    Then the other type of CQC belt with an extension up the back, this is most likely what my previous trial backpack from CQC should attach to with
    vertical bars instead of a horizontal one.

    Modern Austrian stuff I managed to find Dsc00351
    Modern Austrian stuff I managed to find Dsc00353
    Modern Austrian stuff I managed to find Dsc00352
    Modern Austrian stuff I managed to find Dsc00354

    Not all Austrian, not all very modern, but still found at the same place, so first there's a 1962 dated fieldcap, then a beltyoke from the KAZ02/03 gear,
    some green pouch, and a green Afghan made buttstock magazinepouch.

    Modern Austrian stuff I managed to find Dsc00356
    Modern Austrian stuff I managed to find Dsc00355
    Modern Austrian stuff I managed to find Dsc00357
    Modern Austrian stuff I managed to find Dsc00359
    Modern Austrian stuff I managed to find Dsc00360
    Modern Austrian stuff I managed to find Dsc00358

    Also something older, but quite an interesting thing. I have a number of shirts from this manufacturer that were Dutch used, and I know many other countries
    used them as well, mostly in Lebanon in the 80's, probably other places as well. Sometimes with partial button fly, sometimes modified to full length fly, long sleeves,
    now short sleeves, I also have pants and I think I remember having a cap somewhere too.
    This one of course came from Austrian use.

    Modern Austrian stuff I managed to find Dsc00361
    Modern Austrian stuff I managed to find Dsc00362
    Modern Austrian stuff I managed to find Dsc00363
    Modern Austrian stuff I managed to find Dsc00365
    Modern Austrian stuff I managed to find Dsc00364

    This was also on my list, so I can hang my CQC gear on it, a KAZ02 uniform, I'd rather have an earlier type trial uniform but this is the best I can find yet.
    There's the regular type KAZ02 jacket and also a Corporal rankslide.

    Modern Austrian stuff I managed to find Dsc00366
    Modern Austrian stuff I managed to find Dsc00367
    Modern Austrian stuff I managed to find Dsc00368

    And then there's these pants, a trial type made of ripstop, it also came with suspenders. I'd also have liked a normal pair but none were there, neither
    was a ripstop trial jacket.

    Modern Austrian stuff I managed to find Dsc00369
    Modern Austrian stuff I managed to find Dsc00370
    Modern Austrian stuff I managed to find Dsc00371

    Camonut314 and TennoHeikaNate like this post


    Location : New England, US
    Registration date : 2009-03-08
    Number of posts : 7009

    Modern Austrian stuff I managed to find Empty Re: Modern Austrian stuff I managed to find

    Post by CollectinSteve Mon Aug 05, 2024 5:41 pm

    You're doing great finding all that stuff! As it is not camouflage I've not paid much attention to the details, but it is my impression that this stuff isn't all that easy to come by.

    Although I am a camo guy, I really love the gray color the BH used for their last two uniforms. In fact, I just purchased a used Goretex jacket for active use. It has really nice features and feels quite nice to wear. My standard winter work pants are the older padded bib type. I'm on my third one.

    Senior Lieutenant
    Senior Lieutenant

    Name : Michel Wijnand
    Age : 36
    Location : The Netherlands
    Registration date : 2016-11-09
    Number of posts : 834

    Modern Austrian stuff I managed to find Empty Re: Modern Austrian stuff I managed to find

    Post by michelwijnand Mon Aug 05, 2024 6:31 pm

    Thanks! It's indeed hard to come by, apart from the occasional pouch that appears on Willhaben there's pretty much nothing to be found on the internet anymore, some of my stuff came from there but I think 80% of my trial stuff came from Army-Warehouse's physical shop.

    When this stuff just came out I remember seeing sets of vest and an amount of pouches (no backpacks, belts or canteenpouches as I remember) for sale on their website and ebay shop for pretty good prices, I wish I bought my stuff back then, it would have saved me a lot of time and effort.

    And about colors, it makes sense to me they stayed with solid color uniforms so long, and the grey/greygreen is a good intermediate between the colors seen there in nature.
    I just got back from vacation there and aside from green grass many of the forests have lots of dark areas due to the pine trees just blocking out the sun, eventhough when the sun breaks through there really are many brightgreen parts where actual camouflage would be better.

    By the way, the earlier posted CQC backpack should definately be matched with the belt with the flap on top, that is exactly where the pack can attach to as there are 2 channels through the webbing that line up exactly with the backpack's half of the attachment system.
    Now I have to think of how I can actually rig something there that is at least somewhat like what would be there, eventhough I've never seen this system in intact state...

    Edit: Here are some pics I took while mountainbiking there, mostly parts on the edge of the dark forest parts, so you can see how damn bright it is there.

    Modern Austrian stuff I managed to find Img-2012
    Modern Austrian stuff I managed to find Img-2011
    Modern Austrian stuff I managed to find Img-2010
    Modern Austrian stuff I managed to find Img-2014
    Modern Austrian stuff I managed to find Img-2013
    Senior Lieutenant
    Senior Lieutenant

    Name : Michel Wijnand
    Age : 36
    Location : The Netherlands
    Registration date : 2016-11-09
    Number of posts : 834

    Modern Austrian stuff I managed to find Empty Re: Modern Austrian stuff I managed to find

    Post by michelwijnand Thu Sep 12, 2024 6:45 pm

    Found something again!

    A body armor of the French type, with Austrian green cover with strips on the back to attach Kaz02/03 pouches, including softarmor!

    For some reason I have 0 photos of this type in use though, only of 2 different types of armors with provisions for such pouches, but then also
    on the front instead of only the back.
    Sadly the only marked thing is the softarmor, so I have found no exact year on the vest itself (yet).

    Modern Austrian stuff I managed to find Dsc00435
    Modern Austrian stuff I managed to find Dsc00437
    Modern Austrian stuff I managed to find Dsc00436
    Modern Austrian stuff I managed to find Dsc00438
    Modern Austrian stuff I managed to find Dsc00439

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    Modern Austrian stuff I managed to find Empty Re: Modern Austrian stuff I managed to find

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