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    Ukrainian desert uniform used in Afghanistan.


    Location : USA
    Registration date : 2012-12-29
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    Ukrainian desert uniform used in Afghanistan. Empty Ukrainian desert uniform used in Afghanistan.

    Post by ripcord Sat Dec 31, 2022 1:46 am

    Ripstop uniform.  Missing a flag, a sleeve pocket patch, and tubular rank insignia ( for epaulettes ), but a genuine set that saw time in the sandbox..

                                                                                                              Ukrainian desert uniform used in Afghanistan. 28945912

                                                                                                              Ukrainian desert uniform used in Afghanistan. 28925313

                                                                                                              Ukrainian desert uniform used in Afghanistan. 28769113

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    Lieutenant Colonel
    Lieutenant Colonel

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    Ukrainian desert uniform used in Afghanistan. Empty Re: Ukrainian desert uniform used in Afghanistan.

    Post by mylle Sat Dec 31, 2022 8:07 am

    Thats a very nice set, mine is not that nicely patched. I always liked this desert uniform.

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    Senior Sergeant
    Senior Sergeant

    Name : Nate
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    Ukrainian desert uniform used in Afghanistan. Empty Re: Ukrainian desert uniform used in Afghanistan.

    Post by TennoHeikaNate Sun Jan 01, 2023 9:24 am

    Definitely a great find, especially with most of the patches still attached. I read from one veteran who shared a set he brought back that a lot of the Ukrainians threw their deserts in the dumpsters before they left, and while there (at least used to be) a fair bit of these floating around, I fear most of them did end up getting binned.
    I certainly haven't seen more than a few pieces in the last few years, great that you were able to get a whole set of it.

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    Ukrainian desert uniform used in Afghanistan. Empty Re: Ukrainian desert uniform used in Afghanistan.

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